Is Iris in Pokemon white or black?
Iris, the Opelucid City Gym Leader in Pokémon White and the Unova League Champion in Pokémon Black and White 2 . Iris, a former main character in the Pokémon anime and a former travelling companion of Ash Ketchum . Iris, the manga counterpart in the Adventures manga.
Can Iris be challenged at the Pokemon World Tournament?
Unlike the other Champions, Iris cannot be challenged at the Pokemon World Tournament . Was this guide helpful? Made for Nintendo DS, this game is a sequel to the fifth generation of Pokemon games, known as Pokemon Black & Pokemon White.
Where is Iris in the shadow of Zekrom?
In The Shadow of Zekrom! Iris (Japanese: アイリス Iris) is a Dragon-type Trainer. She was one of the Gym Leaders of Opelucid City ’s Gym, known officially as the Opelucid Gym, giving out the Legend Badge, in Pokémon White.
What was the name of the White and black dragon type Pokemon?
And people and Pokémon had happy lives!” “In its pursuit of truth, the white Dragon-type Pokémon sought to usher in a new and better world… Its name was Reshiram. And the other, the black Dragon-type Pokémon, sought ideals and to usher in a new world–a world of hope.
What is the difference between Iris and Clair?
Iris and Clair are both female Gym Leaders that train Dragon-type Pokémon. Additionally, they are both the eighth Gym Leader the player challenges in Unova and Johto, respectively. Iris is the first Champion to keep her Japanese name. Iris is the only Unova Gym Leader in Black and White who does not have a secondary occupation.
What does Iris look like in real life?
On her feet she wears white sandals with a round green gem encrusted in the center of each sandal. Iris is seen to be a wild girl as she likes swinging on vines and eating Berries. She is shown to have pride in her role as a Pokémon Trainer, as shown when Ash fails to catch a Pokémon and she calls him a little kid.