Is there a mod manager for Borderlands 2?
Borderlands Community Mod Manager The tool to use with Borderlands 2 / TPS mods. Allows users to disable unwanted parts of the mods, merge mods into one file.Automatically handles the tedious process of manually merging the files, and prevents the broken mods resulting from master files.Has a lot of features that makes making your own mods easier!
What’s new in Borderlands 2 2?
Borderlands 2.5 is a fresh experience for Borderlands 2, providing character overhauls, gear overhauls, reworked enemies and much more! Borderlands 2.5 is a fresh experience for Borderlands 2, providing character overhauls, gear overhauls, reworked enemies and much more! Here is a save file, level 1 Axton with all head skins in the game.
What do you get with level 80 Borderlands 2?
Borderlands 2 All Level 80 OP10 Character Game Saves This mod contains Borderlands 2 saved games that include all the gear in the game at OP10 level 80. Each character has modded stats including, skills, ammo, drop-able Eridium Stacks, Seraph crystals, and Torgue Tokens.
What is the Borderlands 2 gear rebalance mod?
This is a mod I made for Borderlands 2 that rebalances the game and loot. It has numerous gear adjustments, replacements, or just flat out adds new gear via Sanity Saver. It primarily focuses on gear first. This mod requires BLCMM and Command Extensions to work properly, and Sanity Saver to add new weapons. Changes can be found in the .blcm file.
Is there a Borderlands 2 modpack on NexusMods?
The Borderlands 2 Unofficial Community Patch finally landed on Nexusmods with over 450 changes and fixes to many aspects of the game! If you want to experience Borderlands 2 in a new way, this modpack is exactly for you. Currently including 150+ mods and over 750 changes!
What is the borderlands Hex multitool?
The Borderlands Hex Multitool allows you to conveniently apply various Hexedits to your exe-file (BL2 and TPS). Everyone loves the gib editor, but for certain things like Golden Keys or Badass Ranks you will need an external editor.