Kan ik Google Fit koppelen aan Samsung health?
Als u wilt dat Samsung Health-gegevens worden gesynchroniseerd met Google Fit, moet u ervoor zorgen dat stappen en activiteiten volgen zijn uitgeschakeld in Google Fit.
Wat is adventure Sync Pokemon Go?
Adventure Sync is, samengevat, een nieuw systeem dat de Pokémon Go toelaat te linken met HealthKit (iOS) of Google Fit apps (Android). In andere woorden, het aantal stappen dat je neemt en de afstanden die je aflegt worden nu geregistreerd door Pokémon Go zonder dat je steeds de app open moet staan.
What is Adventure Sync in Pokemon Go?
Adventure Sync is a new feature that enables players to track and import walking distances from Google Fit and Apple Health app into Pokemon GO, even when Pokemon GO is not running. Adventure Sync is an opt-in feature that works in the background, it requires player’s permission to operate and it features weekly fitness goals with rewards.
How does adventureadventure sync work for trainers?
Adventure Sync delivers a weekly summary on Trainer ’s profile page, where Trainers can view their Incubator, Candy progress and with the health app connected there is also activity statistics such as steps walked and calories burnt displayed. There are 3 tiers of reward for walking 5, 25 and 50 kilometres a week.
Why Adventure Sync is not working on my phone?
Examine if your phone is compatible with Adventure Sync and the tools needs by it. For instance, HTC One M8 is not compatible with Google Fit. Thus, Adventure Sync does not function on it. Remember that there could be a delay for several hours for this feature to sync your steps with the health application on your phone.
What happens if you don’t allow Adventure Sync permissions?
In case of both platforms, if you don’t allow the permissions, the game will display a “Missing Adventure Sync Permissions” message: “Pokémon GO cannot track progress while the game is closed without your permission. Change your settings now to allow access.” How frequently does Adventure Sync pull new data?