Kan je Minecraft opnieuw downloaden?
Als je de Launcher per ongeluk verwijderd hebt, kan je hem opnieuw downloaden op . Je moet inloggen met je Mojang account om bij het Launcher-bestand te komen (dit is waarom Stap 1 aangeeft het bestand niet te gebruiken). Wacht tot Minecraft is geïnstalleerd.
Hoe koppel je Microsoft aan Minecraft?
Selecteer in het startscherm van de Minecraft-game de optie Aanmelden met een Microsoft-account. Er wordt hierna een scherm geopend met een unieke 8-cijferige code en de instructie om naar te gaan.
What do I do if I Lost my Mojang email address?
If you have lost access to your Mojang account email address, we recommend contacting your email provider in order to regain access to the email account. This way, you can edit any settings associated with your Mojang account (including the Mojang account email address).
What is a Mojang account?
Mojang Studios Account Your key to all things Minecraft Java Edition. Enjoy all that Minecraft Java Edition has to offer with minimum fuss by creating a Mojang account. Your customizable profile grants you access to Minecraft Java Edition as well as Minecraft Java Edition Realms.
How do I transfer my old minecraft account to Mojang?
Migrate your old Premium Minecraft Account If you have a old Minecraft Premium Account you can migrate it into a Mojang Studios Account. Just enter your Minecraft account Email, Username, and Password .
How do I change or recover my Minecraft email address?
To change or recover your email address, visit one of the following sites, depending on your account type: If you’re not sure which account type you have, visit the Minecraft: Java Edition Account Types page. Visit our list of reasons why you Cannot Get Mojang System Emails. Go to our Account Migration Issues article.