Where can I find Celio in Fire Red?

Where can I find Celio in Fire Red? Celio (Japanese: ニシキ Nishiki) is a Pokémon Storage System programmer in the Sevii Islands and good friend of Bill . Celio runs the Pokémon Network Center on One Island in Pokémon FireRed and LeafGreen. He needs the player ’s help to finish the incomplete Pokémon Network machine. […]

Where can I find the HMS in Pokemon Ruby?

Where can I find the HMS in Pokemon Ruby? Where to find the HMs in Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald. Cut: Rustboro City(from Cutter in house west of Pokémon Center) Fly: Route 119(defeat Brendan/May) Surf: Petalburg City(Gym – from Wally’s father after defeating Norman) Strength: Rusturf Tunnel(from Wanda’s boyfriend after breaking the rocks) What happened to the HM’s in […]

How to have a calm mind?

How to have a calm mind? Write or talk it out. Your mind has the function of processing and interpreting all the information being received inside and outside your body. Organize your thinking and draw conclusions. Once you release all that mental content,the idea would be to organize it and reach conclusions about what you […]

What Pokemon game is Spheal in?

What Pokemon game is Spheal in? Spheal (Japanese: タマザラシ Tamazarashi) is a dual-type Ice/Water Pokémon introduced in Generation III. It evolves into Sealeo starting at level 32, which evolves into Walrein starting at level 44….Game locations. Diamond Trade Platinum Breed Sealeo or Walrein HeartGold SoulSilver Safari Zone Pal Park Sea How do you get Spheal […]

What kind of Pokemon is Shinx?

What kind of Pokemon is Shinx? Shinx is an Electric type Pokémon introduced in Generation 4. It is known as the Flash Pokémon. What does it mean when Shinx shakes its tail? Excited trembling is a sign that Shinx is generating tremendous amounts of electricity. It can send signals to other Shinx by shaking the […]

What kind of game is Sonic the Hedgehog?

What kind of game is Sonic the Hedgehog? Sonic the Hedgehog is a platforming action video game. Developed by Sonic Team in 1991, the blue blur himself would become one of gaming’s universal icons, and became the first series to stand as a serious rival to Nintendo’s Mario series, flaming the legendary console wars. What […]

Wat betekend CPO?

Wat betekend CPO? Het Collectief Particulier Opdrachtgeverschap (CPO) is een constructie die ervoor zorgt dat toekomstige bewoners meer invloed hebben op de ontwikkeling van de eigen woning. Hoe start ik een CPO project? CPO IN 7 STAPPEN Locatie vinden en inschrijven. Het kan gebeuren: je komt een stukje grond tegen en denkt: hier wil ik […]

Wat verstaan we onder muzen?

Wat verstaan we onder muzen? De negen muzen, Oudgrieks: Μοῦσαι, waren in de Griekse mythologie de godinnen van kunst en wetenschap. Zij waren het symbool van de inspiratie. Het begrip muze, dat tegenwoordig nog steeds wordt gebruikt in de betekenis van inspiratiebron, is hiervan afgeleid. Hoe heet in de Griekse oudheid de muze van het […]

What is my tin in the UK?

What is my tin in the UK? United Kingdom For most individuals in the UK the TIN will be their National Insurance Number. How do I find out my tin? The U.S. Taxpayer Identification Number may be found on a number of documents, including tax returns and forms filed with the IRS, and in the […]

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