What is the base experience of Dratini? In Generations 1-4, Dratini has a base experience yield of 67. In Generation 2, Dratini has a base Friendship value of 70. Long considered a mythical POKéMON until recently when a small colony was found living underwater. The existence of this mythical POKéMON was only recently confirmed by […]
How many Arceus plates are there in the game?
How many Arceus plates are there in the game? Below are the 16 plates found in game, their locations, and the form of Arceus that results. Note that when Arceus does not carry a plate, it is of the Normal type (as is Judgment), and that there is no plate for obtaining the??? What type […]
How much experience does Raichu have in Gen 5?
How much experience does Raichu have in Gen 5? Raichu changes 1 In Generation 1, Raichu has a base Special stat of 90. 2 In Generations 1-5, Raichu has a base Speed of 100. 3 In Generations 1-4, Raichu has a base experience yield of 122. 4 In Generation 5, Raichu has a base experience […]
Is Dialga Palkia and Giratina in Pokemon X and Y?
Is Dialga Palkia and Giratina in Pokemon X and Y? There is no confirmed possible way to get Giratina, Dialga or Plakia in Pokémon X or Y excluding the use of Pokemon Bank / Player Trade / Hacking Devices. re: Is Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina in Pokemon X and Y? Can you get Dialga in […]
What Pokemon game is Luxray in?
What Pokemon game is Luxray in? Generation IV Luxray (Japanese: レントラー Rentorar) is an Electric-type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. It evolves from Luxio starting at level 30. It is the final form of Shinx….Game locations. Diamond Pearl Evolve Luxio HeartGold SoulSilver Evolve Luxio Is Shinx a rare Pokemon? Shinx is an electric-type quadruped (and […]
Is Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy connected?
Is Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy connected? Originally Answered: Are Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts related? Yes! Kingdom Hearts is largely based on the Final Fantasy games. Many of the characters make appearances, with some of them having pretty large roles (especially the characters in the non-Disney worlds). Do Final Fantasy characters appear in Kingdom […]
What generation is Darkrai from?
What generation is Darkrai from? Darkrai (Pokémon) From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia. Darkrai (Japanese: ダークライ Darkrai) is a Dark-type Mythical Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon. What does Darkrai look like in Pokémon Go? Darkrai is a black, shadow-like Pokémon. It has a […]
Is Indiana Jones 2 a prequel?
Is Indiana Jones 2 a prequel? Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom is a 1984 American action-adventure film directed by Steven Spielberg. It is the second installment in the Indiana Jones franchise, a prequel to the 1981 film Raiders of the Lost Ark, featuring Harrison Ford reprising his role as the title character. Does […]
Welke man heeft te maken met de dienstplicht?
Welke man heeft te maken met de dienstplicht? Iedere man in Nederland tussen de 17 en 45 jaar oud heeft te maken met de dienstplicht. In oktober 2018 is aangenomen de Wijziging van de Kaderwet dienstplicht en van de Wet gewetensbezwaren militaire dienst in verband met het van toepassing worden van de dienstplicht op vrouwen […]
Does Destiny 2 DLC cross save?
Does Destiny 2 DLC cross save? Learning how to cross save in Destiny 2 is relatively straightforward, though there are some cross save restrictions – including access to any purchased DLC or expansions – you should be aware of every time you make the leap. Does destiny DLC transfer with cross save? Players may only […]