Waar gaat Yellow Submarine over?

Waar gaat Yellow Submarine over?

Een kinderliedje over Pepperland Uitgangspunt voor de film was het liedje “Yellow Submarine”. Paul McCartney schreef het als een van de nummers die drummer Ringo Starr met zijn beperkte zangstem kon zingen. Het was bedoeld als een kinderliedje met simpele teksten en dito melodie.

Wie schreef Yellow Submarine?

Paul McCartney
John Lennon
Yellow Submarine/Tekstschrijvers
Yellow Submarine is een lied uit 1966 dat is geschreven door Paul McCartney (formeel door Lennon-McCartney). Het lied verscheen op een single met een dubbele A-kant (de andere A-kant was Eleanor Rigby) van The Beatles. Daarnaast verscheen het lied op het album Revolver.

Who wrote Eleanor Rigby by the Beatles?

Factfile: Eleanor Rigby. Written primarily by McCartney, Eleanor Rigby was released in 1966 as part of a double A-side single which also featured Yellow Submarine. The song also formed part of The Beatles’ album, Revolver, and the single was released on the same day as the LP.

What is the meaning of the song Eleanor by the Beatles?

Eleanor dies without anyone caring, not even Father McKenzie as he walks away from her grave dusting his hands off as though he had no emotion regarding her passing. This song was intended to call attention to the selfishness of our world.

What is the meaning of Paul McCartney’s Eleanor Rigby?

The song is often described as a lament for lonely people or a commentary on post-war life in Britain. McCartney could not decide how to end the song, and Shotton finally suggested that the two lonely people come together too late as Father McKenzie conducts Eleanor Rigby’s funeral.

What songs have been influenced by Eleanor Rigby?

Barry Gibb of the Bee Gees once said that their 1969 song “Melody Fair” was influenced by “Eleanor Rigby”. America’s single, “Lonely People”, was written by Dan Peek in 1973 as an optimistic response to “Eleanor Rigby.”.

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