- 1 Waar vind ik burgerservicenummer op ID?
- 2 Waar vind ik het nummer van mijn identiteitskaart?
- 3 How do I get a BSN number in the Netherlands?
- 4 What is BSN number Netherlands?
- 5 Can I get a BSN without an address?
- 6 How do I find my BSN number Netherlands?
- 7 When was the Burgerservicenummer introduced in the Netherlands?
- 8 When was the Dutch citizen service number introduced?
Waar vind ik burgerservicenummer op ID?
Op identiteitskaarten van vóór 2014 staat het burgerservicenummer op de voorkant (rode ovaal). Op identiteitskaarten van na 2014 staat het BSN op de achterkant en sinds 2 augustus 2021 ook in een QR-code (zie rode ovalen).
Wat is je burgerservicenummer op je paspoort?
Bij paspoorten uitgegeven vanaf 2014 staat het BSN op de achterkant van het paspoort. Het BSN is wel nog steeds een onderdeel van de reeks van letters en nummers in de ‘machineleesbare zone’. Deze zone staat aan de lange zijde van de voorkant van uw paspoort.
Waar vind ik het nummer van mijn identiteitskaart?
Het identiteitskaartnummer bestaat uit 9 tekens. Je vindt jouw identiteitskaartnummer rechts bovenaan onder het kopje ‘documentnummer’.
Waar staat het burgerservicenummer op het rijbewijs?
U vindt uw burgerservicenummer (BSN) op de achterkant van uw rijbewijs, linksboven. Achter het BSN staat het rijbewijsnummer (gescheiden door een /). Op onderstaande afbeelding is het BSN (gevolgd door rijbewijsnummer) rood omcirkeld.
How do I get a BSN number in the Netherlands?
You automatically receive a BSN number when you register at a Dutch municipality (a gemeente). Basically, all you need to do is head on over to your city hall and ask to register. You should do this within 5 days of your arrival if you are planning on staying for more than 4 months, which most students are.
What is BSN Nummer?
The citizen service number (BSN) is a unique number for everyone who has dealings with the Dutch government. You can and must use the citizen service number increasingly often, in dealings with your municipality, the hospital, schools, your employer or benefits agencies, for example.
What is BSN number Netherlands?
citizen service number
The citizen service number (BSN) is a unique personal number allocated to everyone registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP). Everyone who registers with the BRP is automatically given a BSN.
How do I register for BSN number?
Step 1: At our homepage (, click on “Register”, go to “First Time Registration”. Step 2: Register as a member with your identification document number (New IC/ Old IC/ Passport/ others) and your registered mobile phone number of your BSN Credit Card/-i.
Can I get a BSN without an address?
As a non-resident you will be issued with a BSN made up of nine digits after you have been registered in the Municipal Personal Records Database. You can then request an extract from the Municipal Personal Records Database.
Where is BSN number on Dutch residence permit?
Your citizen service number (BSN) can usually be found on your Dutch passport, identity card or driving licence. You can also look it up online on Dutch payslips, annual salary statements, health insurance cards and health insurance policies have your BSN on them too.
How do I find my BSN number Netherlands?
Where is the BSN number on a Dutch passport?
Your citizen service number (BSN) is located either on the front or back of the personal details page of your Dutch passport.
When was the Burgerservicenummer introduced in the Netherlands?
The Burgerservicenummer or Dutch Citizen Service Number (BSN) is your official national identification in the Netherlands. It replaced the old social security number ( sofinummer ) in 2007. The Dutch BSN was introduced in July 2007 to enhance the efficiency of government administration and improve public service delivery to citizens.
Where do you get a national ID number in the Netherlands?
One of the first things you’ll need to do when arriving in the Netherlands is to register at the local council where they will provide you with a national identification number for the Netherlands, known as a Burgerservicenummer.
When was the Dutch citizen service number introduced?
The Burgerservicenummer or Dutch Citizen Service Number (BSN) is your official national identification in the Netherlands. It replaced the old social security number ( sofinummer) in 2007. The Dutch BSN was introduced in July 2007 to enhance the efficiency of government administration and improve public service delivery to citizens.
Where can I Find my BSN number in the Netherlands?
Lost your BSN number? No worries, you can find your number on a number of official documents, such as: If your identity document does not state your BSN number, simply go to the Dutch municipality where you are registered and request your BSN number there.