Waaraan is Jos Brink gestorven?

Waaraan is Jos Brink gestorven?

Jos Brink/Doodsoorzaak
Hij stierf in een ziekenhuis. Bij de entertainer werd onlangs darmkanker met diverse uitzaaiingen geconstateerd. Jos Brink werd op 19 juni 1942 in Heiloo geboren. Hij verwierf grote bekendheid als acteur, cabaretier, musicalster, schrijver, predikant, hoorspelacteur en tv-presentator.

Met wie was Jos Brink getrouwd?

Frank Sandersgeh. 2000–2007
Jos Brink/Huwelijkspartner

Persoonlijk. Brink was getrouwd met Frank Sanders. Brink en Sanders kregen in 1972 een relatie toen ze samenwerkten in het cabaretgezelschap Tekstpierement. Vanaf 1973 woonden ze samen in Amsterdam.

What does Brinks mean?

brink(Noun) The edge, margin, or border of a steep place, as of a precipice; a bank or edge, as of a river or pit; a verge; a border; as, the brink of a chasm. Also used figuratively.

What does it mean to ‘go in the brink’?

Answer (1 of 1): The time or situation just before something happens; especially something bad is called the brink. Example, peter was on the brink of tears. Another example would be, ‘drought has pushed the people to the brink of starvation’. Words synonymous to the word brink could be edge or rim or lip or threshold or verge or border or limit or margin.

What does on the brink of mean?

on the brink of (something) On the verge of doing something or of having some imminent event happen, especially that which is bad or disastrous. The company is still doing business, but ever since the recession hit they’ve been teetering on the brink of closing down.

What is a sentence for Brink?

The tree grew on the brink of the cliff.

  • Their economy is teetering on the brink of collapse.
  • The company is on the brink of bankruptcy.
  • Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.
  • In October 1962 the world seemed on the brink of nuclear war.
  • Scientists are on the brink of a breakthrough in the treatment of cancer.
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