Wat als je niet kan leggen Scrabble?
In deze beurt mag wel of geen (afhankelijk van de afspraak) woord gelegd worden. De blanco telt niet voor punten. Officieel is het spel direct afgelopen als een speler geen blokjes meer heeft, maar meestal wordt daarna doorgespeeld tot alle blokjes op het bord liggen of niemand meer een woord kan maken.
How to win at Scrabble?
Balance Out Your Tiles. Consider balance as you look at the letters on your rack.
Can proper names be used in Scrabble?
No. Proper names in scrabble can’t be used. As a general rule, words that are spelled with a capital letter can’t be used. Tags: proper names, scrabble, english.
Is stubborner a Scrabble word?
Stubborner is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 14 points. Stubborner is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 18 points. Stubborner is a 10 letter long Word starting with S and ending with R. Below are Total 387 words made out of this word. 9 letter Words made out of stubborner
Can you use abbreviations in Scrabble?
General Rule Regarding Abbreviations. In Scrabble, it is not permitted to use abbreviations. “ASAP,” “OMG” and “etc.” do not count as words on the Scrabble board, even though they are often used in modern-day language. If you think that your opponent has played an abbreviation, challenge the word and refer to your dictionary.