Wat hield de schoolstrijd in?

Wat hield de schoolstrijd in?

De schoolstrijd in Nederland was een sterk ideologisch geladen worsteling in het negentiende-eeuwse en twintigste-eeuwse Nederland over de vormgeving van het onderwijsbestel. Deze strijd mondde uiteindelijk uit in een algehele gelijkstelling tussen bijzonder onderwijs en openbaar onderwijs.

Wat waren de oorzaken van de schoolstrijd?

De eerste aanzet tot de schoolstrijd kwam tijdens de Franse bezetting. De Fransen introduceerden in Nederland het principe van scheiding van staat en kerk, in 1795. Eeuwenlang had de hervormde kerk het voor het zeggen gehad op de Nederlandse scholen, maar onder Frans bewind werd onderwijs opeens een staatszaak.

What happened to the history of schools during the First World War?

Until recently, historians largely neglected the history of schools during the First World War. However, several monographs published in the last decade have begun to fill the void. This scholarship is variable in quality and depth. With one exception, each study focuses on a single national context.

What is the history of the Weimar School of Art?

The school was founded by Walter Gropius in Weimar in 1919, as a merger of the Grand Ducal School of Arts and Crafts and the Weimar Academy of Fine Art. Its roots lay in the arts and crafts school founded by the Grand Duke of Saxe-Weimar-Eisenach in 1906, and directed by Belgian Art Nouveau architect Henry van de Velde.

What was education like in the 1900s?

In 1900, the U.S. high school graduation rate was six percent. During the 1910s in Canada, the highest level of education the average person completed was grade six. The majority of teachers were women and, while this is probably still the case today, women were expected to quit working once they married.

How did World War II affect schools in Germany?

In the last years of the war, the shortages led German schoolchildren to miss weeks and in some cases months of school. By contrast, schools functioned better in Italy, France, Great Britain, Australia, Canada, and the United States.

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