Wat is de betekenis van Jahweh?
Jahwe is de ware God der vaderen. Jahwe (Jhwh in het Hebreeuws) is afgeleid van ‘zijn’. Het is de naam waarmee God zichzelf aanduidde toen Mozes hem ernaar vroeg: ‘God sprak tot Mozes: ‘Ik ben: Ik ben’.
Waar staat Jehovah voor?
Volgens Jehova’s getuigen is het gebruik van de naam “Jehovah” voor de christelijke God daarom zo belangrijk, “omdat zijn naam de persoon vertegenwoordigt die hij is. Zo verzekert de naam Jehovah ons dat God volkomen in staat is zijn wil te volvoeren tot zegen van allen die hem dienen, wat er ook gebeurt.”
Hoe heten de drie delen van de Tenach?
Joden: tora of tenach Joden beschouwen alleen het Oude Testament als Heilige Schrift; zij noemen dit Tora of Tenach. Het woord TeNaCH is samengesteld uit de beginletters van de drie delen van de verzameling: Tora, Nebiim, Chetubim, dat wil zeggen Wet, Profeten en Geschriften.
Wat is de juiste volgorde van de soorten boeken in de Tenach?
Thora of wet
- Beresjiet – Genesis.
- Sjemot – Exodus.
- Wajikra – Leviticus.
- Bemidbar (Bamidbar) – Numeri.
- Devariem – Deuteronomium.
Is Yahweh the son of Chaos?
In my two previous post I demonstrated how Yahweh, known to the Gnostics as Yaldabaoth (son of chaos), could in fact be the devil and I showed how the State developed organized religion for control. In this post I will present my theory on the origins of the concept of Yahweh and how this concept of god made its way into organized religion.
What does it mean that God is Yahweh?
Yahweh is the covenant-keeping name. God calls himself “Yahweh” when he first enters into the covenant with Abraham, a subtle promise that he will forever be faithful in keeping his word. When he reveals himself again as “Yahweh” to Moses, it is our reminder that he is unchanging, and we can trust him not to back out or change his mind.
What is the difference between “I am” and “Yahweh”?
What’s interesting is that these two replacement names are both used for other things as well, not just God, whereas Yahweh is reserved exclusively as a name for God. We see in Exodus 3:14 that God uses “I AM” and “Yahweh” interchangeably, which tells us that “I am” is one way for us to translate the name “Yahweh.”
What is the difference between El and Yahweh?
Yahweh and El merged at religious centres such as Shechem, Shiloh and Jerusalem, with El’s name becoming a generic term for “god” and Yahweh, the national god, appropriating many of the older supreme god’s titles such as El Shaddai (Almighty) and Elyon (Most High).