Wat is de echte naam van Meat Loaf?
We kenden elkaar niet, we wáren elkaar”, zo vat Meat Loaf (echte naam Marvin Lee Aday) hun lange vriendschap samen. “Sinds ik Jim ontmoette, was hij het middelpunt van mijn leven”, zegt de 73-jarige zanger over Steinman. “En ik was altijd zijn middelpunt. Bij alles wat hij deed, praatten ze over mij.
Wat wil Meat Loaf niet doen?
‘Hoe kunnen ze het niet raden?’ talkshow vertelt Meat Loaf over een discussie met de schrijver van het nummer, Jim Steinman. Jim reageert met: ‘Ze gaan het echt niet raden’.” Uiteraard blijkt Jim Steinman gelijk te hebben. Jaren later zitten er nog steeds mensen in de knoop met het raadsel.
Hoe oud Bonnie Tyler?
70 jaar (8 juni 1951)
Bonnie Tyler/Leeftijd
Would meatloaf do anything for Love?
It seems to be one of rock’s greatest mysteries. In the chorus of “I’d Do Anything for Love,” Meatloaf states repeatedly that he would do anything for love, but that he won’t do that.
What is Meat Loaf’s To Hell and back about?
Meat Loaf relates a story in his autobiography, To Hell and Back, about how he, a friend, and his friend’s father drove out to Love Field on November 22, 1963 to watch John F. Kennedy land. After watching him leave the airport, they went to Market Hall, which was on Kennedy’s parade route.
Did Meat Loaf write Midnight at the lost and found?
Meat Loaf is credited with having been involved in the writing of numerous tracks on the album, including the title track, “Midnight at the Lost and Found”. The title track still regularly forms part of Meat Loaf concerts, and was one of few 1980s songs to feature on the 1998 hit album The Very Best of Meat Loaf.
When did Meat Loaf’s ’the very best’ go platinum?
In 1998, Meat Loaf released The Very Best of Meat Loaf. Although not reaching the top ten in the United Kingdom, it went platinum in December of that year, and was already platinum around the rest of the world just after its release.