Wat is een parallel geïmporteerde auto?
Als een geneesmiddel wordt geïmporteerd uit andere Europese landen, wordt dit parallelimport genoemd. Bij parallelimport wordt het medicijn in Nederland op de markt gebracht door een importeur die niet door de oorspronkelijke vergunninghouder is aangewezen.
Wat is parallelhandel?
De betekenis van parallel import, of grijze markt, is legale handel in producten via alternatieve verkoopkanalen waarbij gebruik wordt gemaakt van prijsverschillen tussen landen en de verkopers over het algemeen geen band hebben met de originele fabrikant van de goederen.
What are parallel imports?
Parallel imports are genuine. Pirated or counterfeit goods are fake versions made by people other than the original manufacturer. These are things to watch out for when thinking about buying parallel imports.
Is parallel importation legal in Hong Kong?
In Germany, the Bundesgerichtshof has held that the doctrine of international exhaustion governs parallel importation, subject to the EU rules above. In Hong Kong, parallel importation is permitted under both the Trade Mark and (amended) Copyright Ordinance before The Copyright (Amendment) Ordinance 2007 came into force 6 July.
Are parallel imports authorised under the Indian trademark law?
The bench overruled the findings of a single bench, which clearly stated that parallel imports are not authorised under the Indian trademark law. Parallel imports in general terms signify the importation of a non-counterfeit product from another country without the permission of the owner, who owns the intellectual property attached with it.
Why are parallel imports called grey goods?
The reason for this has been answer differently in different jurisdictions. A parallel import is a non-counterfeit product imported from another country without the permission of the intellectual property owner. Parallel imports are often referred to as grey goods or grey-market goods (US: gray goods).