Wat is het doel van business intelligence?

Wat is het doel van business intelligence?

Business Intelligence (BI) zet grote hoeveelheden data om in bruikbare informatie. Het doel hiervan is dat jij met deze data optimaal inzicht krijgt in je bedrijf en beslissingen kunt nemen op basis van die data. De data waarmee BI werkt, komt uit je bedrijf zelf.

Wat is data intelligence?

Data intelligence is het proces waarbij een bedrijf data vergaart en interpreteert. Organisaties die data intelligence inzetten, maken daarbij gebruik van machine learning. Ook de relatie tussen de verschillende gegevens en hun context is van belang bij deze informatievergaring, net als de metadata.

What is business intelligence software?

What is business intelligence software? Business intelligence software or BI software is a suite of tools designed to source, sort, consolidate, analyze and present complex data into digestible reports for insights.

What is traditional business intelligence (BI)?

Traditional Business Intelligence, capital letters and all, originally emerged in the 1960s as a system of sharing information across organizations. It further developed in the 1980s alongside computer models for decision-making and turning data into insights before becoming specific offering from BI teams with IT-reliant service solutions.

What are the different tools used in a business intelligence system?

There are many different tools used in a business intelligence system. Here are some of the most common: BI reporting – presenting data and insights to end users in a way that is easy to understand and act on – is fundamental to every business.

What is driving the growth of business intelligence software?

The market shift from IT-led to business-led analytics is spurring the growth of BI software. Typical users of BI solutions today are business owners, senior executives, managers and frontline staff like sales, support and purchasing. This cross-departmental shift makes BI software both a strategic and tactical tool.


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