Wat is multi SSID?
Multi SSID SSID staat voor Service Set Identifier. Deze functionaliteit maakt het mogelijk om draadloze computernetwerken van elkaar te scheiden, door meerdere draadloos netwerk een aparte naam (SSID) te geven.
Welk wifi kanaal iPhone?
Heb je Wi-Fi-probleemoplossing geopend, klik dan niet op ‘Ga door’ maar kies in de menubalk voor ‘Venster>Detecteer’ of gebruik de sneltoets Cmd+4. Er opent nu een nieuw venster met een overzicht van de wifi-kanalen in de buurt. Links zie je op welk kanaal je nu zit en welk kanaal de minste interferentie geeft.
How to set QoS for SSID?
The SSID here means that you’ll have the QoS set based on the SSID priority value. Set a name for this SSID. A name is composed of 1–32 characters. Set the SSID priority ranging from 0 to 7. The default value is 0, indicating no priority is set.
What is QoS (Quality of service)?
The priority of various types of traffic is defined by QoS (Quality of Service). QoS ensures that applications or traffic requiring higher priority gets the required priority. The service guarantee is met by allocating adequate bandwidth based on the QoS priority.
What are the default QoS settings in 11N mode?
In 11n mode, if the QoS check box is not selected, the system uses the default QoS parameters. The default QoS settings are: Upstream marking is enabled and the value is 802.1p marking The system uses the user-configured QoS settings if the QoS check box is selected. To configure QoS settings:
Which QoS model is best for your network?
DiffServ is probably the most common QoS model. With DiffServ, system administrators assign a Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) value, ranging from 0 to 63, to each network traffic type, classifying it at the Internet Protocol (IP) level based on a predetermined set of requirements and groupings known as Traffic Classes (TCs).