Het NAVO-spellingsalfabet, NAVO-alfabet, ICAO-alfabet of International Radiotelephony Spelling Alphabet is een spelalfabet. Het NAVO-alfabet maakt het zelfs mogelijk om gesproken boodschappen uit te wisselen tussen mensen die niet dezelfde uitspraak hebben, bijvoorbeeld omdat ze elkaars taal slecht of niet spreken.
Hoe spreek je postcodes uit?
Zo is het gebruikelijk om tijdens een telefoongesprek de voorletters van je naam om de letters van je postcode met de namen uit het telefoonalfabet te noemen. Wanneer je postcode bijvoorbeeld 1200AB is, spreek je dit door de telefoon uit als ‘1200 Anton Bernard’.
What is the military alphabet called today?
Military Alphabet (alpha bravo charlie delta echo) What is now known as the military alphabet or military phonetic alphabet was once known as the International Radio-telephony Spelling Alphabet. Terms such as alpha, bravo, charlie, delta, echo, foxtrot and the like are a result of this system used to ensure accurate communication of language.
Is the Zulu alphabet used in the military?
From Alpha to Zulu. NATO and the U.S. military use the same phonetic alphabet. However, it is widely accepted and used in international radio communications on the sea, air, or land.
How do you memorize the military alphabet?
Write out the alphabet – Try to write out the Military Alphabet from memory. Do this at least once a day, and try to get as many of the letters right as you can. Do this until it becomes learned and second nature. Ask a friend to test you – Some people are not visual learners.
What industries use the Military Phonetic Alphabet?
Outside of the military, some civilian industries also utilize this alphabet. For example, a company that regularly transmits messages by the telephone may teach its employees the military phonetic alphabet so they can use it in instances when the message must be received accurately.