Wat is Reflexdystrofie?
Elk jaar worden er in Nederland 8000 nieuwe gevallen gemeld van mensen die, nadat ze bijvoorbeeld hun arm of been hebben gestoten, plotseling last krijgen van iets wat lijkt op een zware ontsteking. Deze aandoening wordt Sympathische Reflex Dystrofie genoemd.
Wat is complex regionaal pijnsyndroom type 1?
Complex Regionaal Pijn Syndroom type I (CRPS-I) is een aandoening waarbij de patiënt voortdurend pijn heeft in een bepaalde regio van het lichaam na een verwonding. De pijn staat qua duur of ernst niet in verhouding met pijn die een patiënt normaal ondervindt bij een verwonding of andere beschadiging.
What is a CPS family-based safety services (FBSS) specialist?
What is a CPS Family-Based Safety Services (FBSS) Specialist? After a family has been investigated, a FBSS Caseworker helps them make changes to protect their children from abuse and neglect, and keep them safe at home. This involves providing services offered by the agency, the family’s community, and their extended families, including:
What does FBSS stand for?
Family-Based Safety Services (FBSS) are designed to maintain children safely in their homes—or make it possible for children to return home—by strengthening the ability of families to protect their children and reducing threats to their safety. When a child’s safety can be reasonably assured,…
What does a FBSS caseworker do?
After a family has been investigated, a FBSS Caseworker helps them make changes to protect their children from abuse and neglect, and keep them safe at home. This involves providing services offered by the agency, the family’s community, and their extended families, including:
What services does focusfbss provide?
FBSS can provide a variety of services – either directly by CPS staff, through contracted services providers, or through referrals to community-based providers. Services may include, but are not limited to, family counseling, crisis intervention, substance abuse treatment, domestic violence intervention, and day care.