Wat is repertoire muziek?
het totaal van werken, die een ensemble of een solist voor de openbare uitvoering gereed heeft; ook de in een speel- of muziekseizoen op te voeren of opgevoerde werken.
Wat is uitzinnig?
bn. bw. (-er, -st), van zijn zinnen, zijn verstand beroofd, dol; — als van een dolleman; verschrikkelijk: ’t uitzinnig razen groeit al aan, al aan!
Wat is uitzinnige?
Wat is de betekenis van hoffelijk?
HOFFELIJK, bn. bw. (-er, -st), wellevend, beleefd: een hoffelijk man; hoffelijke woorden; eene hoffelijke buiging. HOFFELIJKHEID v.
How do you spell repoire?
1) How to spell repore? as in i have a good repore with my customers 2) Source (s): spell repore: 3) Repore is a very common misspelling of the correctly spelt word rapport.An example sentence is “the store built a good rapport with loyal customers”. 4) You can help yourself by learning to say the first part correctly, ‘rappor’ not ‘repore’, but remember to add the final ‘t’ when writing ‘rapport’ 5) Repore Sunday, December 9, 2018 6) This is bugging me: How do you spell repore like when you build up a repore a good relationship, a friendly conversation with someone? 7) Repore is a very common misspelling of the correctly spelt word rapport.An example sentence is “the store built a good rapport with loyal customers”. 8) Kapil, I don’t know you personally but I feel a repore with you as a mother and son 9) I’ve built a very close repore with a lady at job 1 10) You guys really need to develop repore with Pakistani/Afghan reporters 11) What does the word repore mean? Find and lookup the definition, synonyms, and antonyms of the word repore in our free online dictionary! 12) How unique is the name Repore? Out of 6,122,890 records in the U.S 13) Social Security Administration public data, the first name Repore was not present 14) Weird things about the name Repore: The name spelled backwards is …
What does repoire mean?
: a friendly, harmonious relationship; especially : a relationship characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy.
How do you spell repour?
Accordingly, how do you spell Repore? In this case, the correct spelling is ‘good rapport’, but is pronounced as if the final ’t’ is missing, as usually the final letter in a French word, is silent. You can help yourself by learning to say the first part correctly, ‘rappor’ not ‘repore’, but remember to add the final ’t’ when writing ‘rapport’.