Wat is semi elementaire drinkvoeding?
Aanvullende en volledige semi-elementaire drinkvoeding (1 kcal/ml) met toegevoegde vitamines en mineralen. Op basis van korteketenpeptiden en vrije aminozuren. Bevat MCT. Past binnen de dieetbehandeling van patiënten met verterings- en/of absorptiestoornissen.
Wat is het verschil tussen polymere of monomere sondevoeding?
Polymere sondevoedingen bevatten eiwit, vet en koolhydraten in groot moleculaire vorm. Deze voeding wordt gegeven bij een normale vertering en absorptie van voedingsstoffen. Oligomere en monomere sondevoedingen bevatten eiwit, vet en koolhydraten in klein moleculaire vorm (‘geheel of gedeeltelijk voorverteerd’).
What is ensure clear drink?
Ensure ® Clear Nutrition Drink ENSURE CLEAR is a fat-free, refreshing fruit-flavored nutrition drink that contains high-quality protein and essential nutrients. It is ideal for patients who prefer a fruit-flavored alternative to creamy shake-like supplements.
What is englensure clear?
ENSURE CLEAR is a fat-free, refreshing fruit-flavored nutrition drink that contains high-quality protein and essential nutrients. It is ideal for patients who prefer a fruit-flavored alternative to creamy shake-like supplements.
How do I contact ensure clear customer service?
We would like to learn more about your experience with Ensure Clear and hope you can give us a call when you have a few minutes to spare. Our team can be reached at 800-850-7677, M-F from 8:30am-5pm, EST & be sure to reference customer# 04076245 when you call. 9 of 12 voted this as helpful.
Who should take ensure clear therapeutic nutrition?
It is also ideal for patients who prefer a fruit-flavored alternative to creamy shake-like supplements. Ensure Clear Therapeutic Nutrition can benefit patients who have malnutrition, are at nutritional risk, or are experiencing involuntary weight loss. For oral use.