Wat kunnen Coagulase-negatieve stafylokokken veroorzaken?
In tegenstelling tot Staphylococcus aureus zullen de coagulase-negatieve stafylokokken immers niet zo vaak klinische infecties veroorzaken. Ze veroorzaken wel subklinische uierinfecties met een lichte tot matige stijging van het koecelgetal tot gevolg.
Wat doet Coagulase?
Coagulase is een enzym dat de omzetting van fibrinogeen naar fibrine katalyseert. Het enzym wordt geproduceerd door verscheidene micro-organismen.
Welke morfologische kenmerken verwacht je van S aureus op een BPA plaat?
Tevens zou dit aan de hand van de morfologie kunnen doen op bloedplaat en MacConkey (mac7). Na 24 uur zal de S. aureus hier klein tot middelgroot op groeien. Op de bloedplaat is de kolonie vaak te zien als een mooi glimmende, geel/oranje kolonie.
Welke soorten stafylokokken zijn er?
Enkele soorten stafylokokken
- aureus.
- auricularis.
- capitis.
- caprae.
- epidermidis.
- haemolyticus.
- hominis.
- lugdunensis.
What is coagulase test used for?
The coagulase slide test is used to identify the presence of bound coagulase or clumping factor, which is attached to the cell walls of the bacteria. Bound coagulase reacts with the fibrinogen in plasma, causing the fibrinogen to precipitate.
What does coagulase positive Staphylococcus mean?
Coagulase-positive staphylococci (CoPS) are opportunistic pathogens carrying various mechanisms of resistance that have a large number of virulence factors, and whose ability to induce illness is associated with the host.
What toxin does Staphylococcus aureus produce?
Amongst the more common toxins secreted by S. aureus are hemolysin, leukotoxin, exfoliative toxin, enterotoxin, and toxic-shock syndrome toxin-1 (TSST-1).
What infection does Staphylococcus aureus cause?
It is the leading cause of skin and soft tissue infections such as abscesses (boils), furuncles, and cellulitis. Although most staph infections are not serious, S. aureus can cause serious infections such as bloodstream infections, pneumonia, or bone and joint infections.
What does it mean if a bacteria is coagulase positive?
aureus is generally coagulase-positive, meaning that a positive coagulase test would indicate the presence of S. aureus or any of the other 11 coagulase-positive Staphylococci. A negative coagulase test would instead show the presence of coagulase-negative organisms such as S. epidermidis or S. saprophyticus.
What does a positive coagulase test mean?
In the laboratory, it is used to distinguish between different types of Staphylococcus isolates. Importantly, S. aureus is generally coagulase-positive, meaning that a positive coagulase test would indicate the presence of S. aureus or any of the other 11 coagulase-positive Staphylococci.
What species of Staphylococcus is coagulase positive?
Classification. S aureus and S intermedius are coagulase positive. All other staphylococci are coagulase negative. They are salt tolerant and often hemolytic.