Wat moet je configureren om de DHCP berichten te laten passeren tussen verschillende subnetten?
Voor de ondersteuning en het gebruik van de DHCP-service in meerdere subnetten moeten de routers die de subnetten verbinden compatibel zijn met de DHCP/BOOTP-relay-agentfunctionaliteit die wordt beschreven in RFC 1542.
Welk apparaat heb je nodig om verschillende subnetten te verbinden?
Routers verbinden de verschillende subnetten. Communicatie, van een host vanuit het ene subnet naar een host uit een ander subnet, verloopt via één poort op een specifieke router.
Why do I need a relay agent?
If a client is on a network segment that does not include a server, a relay agent is needed on that network segment to ensure that DHCP packets reach the servers on another network segment. UDP broadcast packets are not forwarded, because most routers are not configured to forward broadcast traffic.
What is the use of relay agent in DHCP?
DHCP relay agent is any TCP/IP host which is used to forward request and replies between DHCP server and client when the server is present on the different network. Relay agents receive DHCP messages and then generate a new DHCP message to send out on another INTERFACE.
What is the downlink IP address of the relay agent?
Relay Agent IP address: The IP address sent by the PC ( is replaced with the downlink IP address of the DHCP relay agent (, the IP address of the relay agent’s interface at which the DHCP Discover message was received. 4. DHCP Ack
What is relrelay agent forwarding?
Relay agent forwarding is distinct from the normal forwarding of an IP router where IP datagrams are switched between networks transparently. DHCP clients use User Datagram Protocol (UDP) broadcasts to send DHCPDISCOVER messages when they lack information about the network to which they belong.