Welke PC nodig voor Warzone?

Welke PC nodig voor Warzone?

Systeemeisen Warzone (Minimale prestaties)

  • – OS: Windows 10 64-bit (v.1709 of hoger)
  • – CPU: Intel Core i3-4340 of AMD FX-6300.
  • – RAM: 8GB RAM.
  • – HDD: 175GB HD opslagruimte.
  • – Videokaart: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 670 / GeForce GTX 1650 of Radeon HD 7950.
  • – DirectX: DirectX 12 compatible systeem.
  • – Geluidskaart: DirectX Compatible.

Wat voor computer heb ik nodig?

Let daarbij op dat de pc die je op het oog hebt minimaal de volgende specificaties heeft:

  • Intel Core i5 of AMD Ryzen 5 processor.
  • 8 GB werkgeheugen.

Why is Warzone so hard to play on my computer?

This problem isn’t exclusive to a handful of users, with many players with top-of-the-range systems seeing extremely low FPS on Warzone. The game is becoming increasingly CPU heavy, so a good graphics card might no longer be enough to get a competitive performance from your system.

How much space does Cod Warzone take on PC?

COD WarZone is a very popular game but at the same time, it is very heavy. The game is 185 GB big and weekly updates are 2 GB so this game does take a lot of space on your PC. It is also a highly intense game and unlike most other battle royale games, this looks good even with every graphic setting set to low.

How do I fix Warzone performance issues on Ryzen?

Fix Ryzen/Intel CPU Warzone issues. By simply changing a value in your Modern Warfare folder in documents, you could see a massive boost to performance. Modern Warfare can default to an incorrect value for how many cores your system has, which leads to FPS drops and stutters.

Is Warzone hard to get to grips with?

With the largest map in Call of Duty history, all manner of Warzone vehicles to control, and a range of settings and keybinds to sort out, Warzone can be pretty tricky for new players to get to grips with. The Call of Duty battle royale brings a host of graphical, audio, and gameplay settings you can tweak and play with until they suit you.

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