What are drodroids in forager?

What are drodroids in forager?

Droids in Forager are robots that will follow the character around and perform certain tasks to make your life a little bit easier. They are a type of end-game content that you won’t unlock until you can consistently get Plastic and Electronics, but once you do, you should be able to get a few ones pretty easily.

How do you see how many droids you own?

You can look in a Factory to see how many are “owned”, as even though the droids aren’t in any inventory they still count. I myself have 16, all courtesy of my local Demon Altar. The author of this thread has indicated that this post answers the original topic.

Is there a way to make the droids smaller?

There is a secret setting that will make all the droids small. The file is secretSettings.ini, there should be a line called babydroids change it to a 1. (Also there is genericDroids all droid are the basic one) You want endless rainbow effects?

How do I get more damage out of my droids?

You should also consider getting the “Lasers” skill to improve their damage output. Once you have this skill, you can craft Droids at the Factory. The base cost for a single Droid is 2x Plastic + 2x Fiberglass + 2x Electronics, and like other items in the game, the cost will increase based on the number of owned.

How do you get droids?

Droids can also be gained from a Dark Shrine sacrificing a health container which can be obtained infinitely by crafting Spirit Orbs, which don’t go up in price.

How many droids can you have at once?

There’s no current cap on the number of droids one can have at once. (2), with the cost increasing for each additional droid. Droids can also be gained from a Dark Shrine sacrificing a health container which can be obtained infinitely by crafting Spirit Orbs, which don’t go up in price.

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