What are killstreak kits and how do you get them?
Completing the Tour also grants you a fabricator and spare parts that you can use to craft progressively rarer Killstreak Kits, which will add cool visual effects to your weapon and eventually even your character. Killstreak Kits are tool items that can be applied to a specific weapon, upgrading it into a Killstreak weapon.
What happens when you put a killstreak on a stock item?
If a Killstreak Kit is applied to a stock item, it becomes a Unique item and the player will subsequently find it as an item drop. The newly found item will exist separate to the original stock item. The player can then choose which item to equip through the character loadout menu.
What are killstreak weapons in Warzone?
Killstreak Weapons are weapons that have been combined with a Killstreak Kit, Specialized Fabricator, or Professional Fabricator. The basic purpose of a Killstreak Weapon is that it counts how many kills you got with said weapon in a single life.
What is the difference between a specialized and professional killstreak kit fabricator?
Specialized Killstreak Kit Fabricators have an output of a Specialized Killstreak Kit, and require a randomized combination of the following recipe: Professional Killstreak Kit Fabricators have an output of a Professional Killstreak Kit, and require a more extensive set of requirements:
How does the killfeed work with killstreak weapons?
If a player is carrying multiple Killstreak weapons, the killfeed will display only the number of kills each weapon has obtained, but the messages to the server and the player’s HUD “Streak” indicator will add the player’s kills from all their Killstreak weapons.
What is the difference between standard and professional killstreak weapons?
Higher tiers of Killstreak weapons also have cosmetic effects; while standard Killstreak weapons only have the kill counter, Specialized Killstreak weapons also have a colored sheen, and Professional Killstreak weapons add a colored particle effect to the user’s eyes.
What happens to a killstreak when you die?
Kills made while dead contribute to a weapon’s killstreak, though as it is properly reset on both death and respawn. This has little effect. If a killstreak weapon is used to kill an enemy and is then changed in the loadout and changed back, the counter starts at 1 again in the killfeed, but the streak overlay remains the same number.