What are the best starters for Pokemon Emerald?

What are the best starters for Pokemon Emerald?

Torchic, Mudkip and Treecko are popular starters for Pokémon Emerald. We share some cool facts about these Generation III Pokémon fans might not know. Starter Pokémon have an incredible pedigree. After all, they’ve got the iconic trio of Bulba [tldr_position]saur, Charmander and Squirtle to live up to, some of the most beloved Pokémon of all time.

Is Charmander the best starter in Pokemon?

Which is the best starter in Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle? Answer: If you count evolutions, Charmander (as Charizard) has the most competitive usage, especially with two different mega forms. However, for casual players, Bulbasaur is often best, as his type works well against the first three Kanto gym leaders.

What is the best starter Pokemon in competitive mode?

Answer: If you count evolutions, Charmander (as Charizard) has the most competitive usage, especially with two different mega forms. However, for casual players, Bulbasaur is often best, as his type works well against the first three Kanto gym leaders. Question: What is your favorite starter in all the Pokemon games?

Is Treecko a good starter Pokemon?

Treecko is okay. But will have problems with the 4th gym, 6th gym and the elite 4 drake and glacia. Torchic is good for starters. Problems: 1st gym unless it evolve and learned doulbe kick, 6th gym 8th gym and wallace.

Is Greninja’s protean good in Pokemon Emerald?

When it comes to Hidden Abilities, it’s always a mixed bag with starter Pokémon. Sometimes they’re given a fantastic one, like Greninja’s Protean (which essentially gives it STAB on everything), and sometimes it’s entirely lackluster. That’s definitely the case with Pokémon Emerald ’s starters.

What is the Best Fighting type Pokemon in Emerald without trading?

With These three types included, your team will already have covered 14 of the possible 17 Pokemon types. The best fighting type Pokemon in Emerald without trading would have to be Heracross and Blaziken. Heracross has an amazing attack stat with good special defense, speed, and HP stats.

Is unburden good in Pokemon Emerald?

That’s definitely the case with Pokémon Emerald ’s starters. Unburden doesn’t do very much for the Treecko line, which is already super speedy. The very bulky Swampert, by the same token, could have done much better than Damp (which prevents Explosion).

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