What are the CSGO pro settings and gear?
CS:GO Pro Settings & Gear List We got the Settings, Gear, Setups and Configs of CS:GO Pros – Including: Sensitivity, DPI, Resolution, Crosshair, Monitor, Mouse, Keyboard and Headset Pro Lists
How many professional CSGO players are there in 2019?
We have gathered the CS:GO Setups (2019) of 278 professional players from 61 best teams worlwide.
Where can I find more information about CSGO setup up?
You can quickly reach this post under our subdomain at Any information on the settings, sensitivity, resolution, mice, keyboards, chairs or other gear of teams and players is very much appreciated. We will reply to you as soon as possible.
Is there a table of sensitivity for CSGO?
The table is even sortable by player name, team or sensitivity. This can be an incredibly valuable resource if you want to get your CS:GO game to the next level. We have provided sources for you as well, just in case you want to check yourself.
What resolution do pro CSGO players use?
CSGO Best Resolution (What The Top 10 Pro Players Use) Learn what resolution the pros use and step up your game with them. Resolution: 1280×960 (Stretched) 9. KRIMZ. Regarded as one of the best support players in the world, KRIMZ knows how to set up his team for success and has an inept ability to clutch.
Who is s1mple in CSGO?
Resolution: 1024×768 (Black Bars) 1. s1mple. An absolute wild card in every match, s1mple can never be counted out. Teams will completely avoid him if necessary but a player such as s1mple, he can be anywhere on the map and change based completely on the round. Role: Rifler (entry fragger), AWPer. Top 3 Major achievements in CSGO
What is the best mouse for CS GO Pro?
CS:GO Pro Settings and Gear List Team Player Role Mouse M. HZ 1,001 Retired autimatic AWPer Logitech G Pro Wireless 1,000 FA MSL Rifler Zowie EC2-B Divina Edition 3 Astralis Magisk Rifler Zowie EC2 1,000 FA cajunb Rifler Zowie EC1
What is the best aspect ratio for CSGO players?
For statistics, it is known that more than half of the top 20 players in the world use a 4:3 stretched aspect ratio. However, there are still many who use the 4: 3 black bars, especially players coming from CS 1.6. Overall, each player will have their own preference after trying both options.
Do CSGO players prefer 4 3 stretched monitors?
In case you didn’t know, the majority of professional CS:GO players prefer a 4:3 stretched configuration on their monitors. Changing the aspect ratio and resolution can be a crucial factor in a player’s performance.