What does Leah do in Diablo 3?
Leah is one of the main NPCs in Diablo III. She is a regular source of conversation and quests in town, as well as a giver and rewarder of quests. She even ventures out into the dungeons with the player, on at least two occasions in Act One. Leah. Leah in-game.
What did Gillian not tell Leah about her father?
Throughout her life, Gillian never told her the truth about her father, or that Adria was her biological mother. And all the while, Leah had to contend with the powers she had inherited from her mother, such as prophetic dreams. Throughout her entire life, Leah would suffer from nightmares.
What is a vessel of Diablo?
“A vessel. Something powerful enough to contain the souls of not just Diablo, but all his brothers and sisters. And now that Aidan has been slain, this vessel growing within me is the true hope for the End of Days. She is the key to Diablo’s success.”
What happened to Leah at the age of eight?
At the age of eight, the insults Leah endured were starting to become unbearable and dark times were settling over Caldeum. Belial had set his minions in motion and was on the hunt for her. To make matters worse, Gillian’s state of mind was deteriorating even further. “Adria once frightened me. Her daughter frightens me more.”
Leah is one of the main NPCs in Diablo III. She is a regular source of conversation and quests in town, as well as a giver and rewarder of quests. She even ventures out into the dungeons with the player, on at least two occasions in Act One.
Where can I find lealeah’s journals?
Leah’s Journals are found in the first three acts. Which journal appears depends on the quest you are currently on but the spot the journal appears is always the same as shown in the images below. Collecting all 16 parts is required for the completion of three different achievements, detailed below.