What GPA do you need to get into Phi Beta Kappa?
While every Phi Beta Kappa chapter has its own requirements for GPA, Phi Beta Kappa candidates must usually maintain an overall GPA of 3.75. If you’re a junior, you are often required maintain a GPA of 3.85. If your GPA falls below this level while your records are under review, you will not be invited.
What is the Phi Beta Kappa society?
The Phi Beta Kappa Society (ΦΒΚ) is an invitation-only honors society that focuses on liberal arts and sciences. It is one of the oldest and most widely-respected academic organizations in the United States.
Should you list Phi Beta Kappa on your resume?
Members also need to pass a character check, and students with disciplinary infractions at their college will often be denied membership. Thus, being able to list Phi Beta Kappa on a resume reflects a high level of academic achievement.
How do I join Phi Beta Kappa as a foreign language student?
The Phi Beta Kappa Society has a foreign language requirement. You must, at bare minimum, reach the intermediate level of classes in a foreign language at your school. Take the introductory classes in a foreign language of your choice as a freshman. Once you’re eligible, sign up for the intermediate classes the following year.
What is Phi Beta Kappa known for?
Phi Beta Kappa. The Phi Beta Kappa Society (ΦΒΚ) is the oldest honor society for the liberal arts and sciences, with 283 active chapters in the United States.
Can juniors be inducted into Phi Beta Kappa?
Only juniors and seniors can be inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, and the bar for admission is a bit higher for juniors than it is for seniors. It’s also possible to be inducted as an honorary member if you are an accomplished faculty member or an alum who has helped advance causes aligned with the liberal arts and sciences.