What is a rival in the Pokemon games?
A rival in the game can be a childhood friend of the player (in the case of Blue, Trace, Cheren, Bianca, Barry, and Hugh), a recently-met neighbor (in the case of May/Brendan, Wally, Serena/Calem, Shauna, Tierno, Trevor, and Hau), or an antagonist (in the case of Silver and, to a lesser extent, Blue).
Where do you meet your rival in Pokemon platinum?
On route back to New Bark Town after visiting Mr. Pokemon, you’ll meet your rival for the first time. He’s just stolen his first Pokemon which will always be the one with a type advantage over yours; however, since you have an opportunity to level your Pokemon up in the grass before you fight, you have nothing to fear.
Who is silver silver in Pokemon?
Silver is a character from Pokémon Gold and Silver, Pokémon Crystal, and their remakes.
Can You give your rival a name in Pokemon HeartGold?
Wally starts out with a Ralts, rather than a conventional Hoenn starter. Also, the player can sometimes give their rival a name. The names of the rivals that cannot be named are: Wally, Brendan, May, Cheren, Bianca, Shauna, Calem, Serena, Tierno, Trevor, Hau, and Gladion .
What is the gender of the rivals in Pokemon X and Y?
The in Pokemon X and Y will be the opposite gender of the Hero you chose. They design is basically the same as the Heroes. The names of the Rivals are Serena and Calem.
What is the local Pokédex in Pokémon X & Y?
Unlike previous games, the local Pokédex in X & Y is split into three different sections: Central Kalos Pokédex, Coastal Kalos Pokédex and Mountain Kalos Pokédex. Use the links below to jump to each section. Mega Evolutions are listed separately. The X/Y Pokémon stats page shows only the new Pokémon introduced in Gen 6.