What is a Schofield revolver?
The Schofield Revolver was a top break single action revolver produced by Smith and Wesson . In 1870, the United States Army adopted the 44 calliber Smith and Wesson American top break revolver, being the first standard issue cartridge firing revolver.
Why was the Schofield discontinued?
The Army purchased some 9000 Schofields but due to a lack of promotion by the maker, one of America’s greatest firearms ceased production. The Cimarron Schofield is the most authentic replica Schofield available today.
What happened to Major Schofield?
In 1880, Major Schofield would commit suicide, using one of his own guns. The Schofield saw action in the Indian wars, and some were even used right up into the Spanish American and Philippine–American Wars in the 1890s.
Can a 45 Schofield fire a 45 Colt?
The Schofield could fire the .45 Schofield but not 45 Colt, as it was too long. The Colt Peacemaker fired both cartridges easily. The US Army would adopt the 45 Schofield, but old stocks of .45 Colt still remained, and US soldiers would sometimes receive the wrong ammunition for their Schofields.
Can a double action revolver malfunction?
Though a revolver can malfunction, you never really hear of it happening because it is an extremely rare occurrence. What Is a Double Action Revolver? A lot of today’s revolvers are generally what is known as double-action, meaning, the only thing you have to do, is to squeeze the trigger in order for it to fire.
What happened to Major Schofield and Smith and Wesson?
Smith and Wesson themselves began to work on new top break revolvers so they would not have to pay Major Schofield for his patent. In 1878 Smith and Wesson introduced the New Smith and Wesson model 3 revolver. Major Schofield would later be given a court martial, which some believe was because of the money he claimed from his gun.
Should you use double action or single action when presenting Your Gun?
However, not only does that require maintaining separate drawstroke techniques for revolvers and semi-autos, it also prevents achieving a full firing grip on the gun while it’s still in the holster, which I consider to be a key component of a fast and consistent presentation. So for me, double action only is the clear way to go.
Why were Schofield revolvers so popular in the James Gang?
The combination of quick reload-ability and big .45-caliber power made them popular with lawmen, outlaws, and others who were serious about their sidearms. Schofield revolvers were reportedly favorites of the James Gang, with serial numbers 3444 and 5476 attributed to Frank James and serial number 2341 to Cole Younger.
Was the Schofield a good Six-Shooter?
Nevertheless, the Schofield was considered by the 1874 military review board as “well suited to the military service.” Although both of these cavalry six-shooters received mixed reviews from the troops who used them, opinions were generally favorable for both.
Did Jesse James carry a Schofield?
Jesse James is said to have carried both the Schofield and the Colt Single Actions simultaneously. The Wells Fargo Company stocked their considerable arsenal with special 5-1/2″ Schofield revolvers marked with the company logo. Now Uberti enriches its fine line of Historical Reproduction Firearms with the classic Schofield Single Action Revolver.
What is the history of the Schofield?
The Schofield originated with the efforts of Col. George Schofield to improve the American Model Three for military usage. The American was the first cartridge revolver adopted by the military in 1870, with a purchase of 1,000.