What is an hm03 Pokemon?
HMs are TMs that serve a purpose out of battle, as well as being moves for in-battle use; however, with the exception of Generation V, in order to use an HM’s purpose out of battle, a Gym Badge is required. Through Generation VI, HM03 is Surf.
Where can I find HM in Pokemon platinum?
HM Locations. Where to find the HMs in Diamond/Pearl/Platinum. Cut : Eterna City (from Cynthia) Fly : Veilstone City (entrance of Team Galactic Warehouse) Surf : Celestic Town (from Cynthia’s grandmother at town shrine) Strength : D/P: Lost Tower (5F, from old lady) Plat: Iron Island (from Riley) Defog :
What is the hardest move to get in Pokemon platinum?
Pokémon Platinum has many Hidden Machines (HMs) that are used to teach Pokémon moves that they may not learn through leveling up. One of the hardest to find is HM03 Surf, a move that is ideal for water-type Pokémon.
What is the difference between HM and hm03?
HMs are TMs that serve a purpose out of battle, as well as being moves for in-battle use; however, with the exception of Generation V, in order to use an HM’s purpose out of battle, a Gym Badge is required. Through Generation VI, HM03 is Surf. From Generation VII onward, HMs are not used and HM03 does not exist.
How do you use surf in Pokemon Generation 3?
Generation III. Surf can hit a Pokémon during the semi-invulnerable turn of Dive, and if it does, it will have its power doubled for that Pokémon. In a Double Battle, Surf will hit both opposing Pokémon.
Which is better surf or hydro pump in Pokemon platinum?
However, Surf has a 100-percent accuracy rate compared to Hydro Pump’s 80 percent. Surf is afforded 15 Power Points (PPs), compared to Hydro Pump’s 5. This means that Surf is less likely to run out in battle than Hydro Pump. There is a handful of HMs in Pokémon Platinum that a player can choose to add to their Pokémon’s skill set.
How do you get surf in Pokemon HeartGold?
In short, HM03 Surf is found in Celestic Town after the player defeats the Galactic boss, Cyrus. Cynthia’s grandmother will give it to the player inside the ruins. The Pokémon Database explains that Surf has a base damage of 95 in generations one to five. It will do double damage if your opponent is underwater using Dive at the time.