What is drag racing in need for Speed?
Drag is a race event type featured in a number of Need for Speed titles. Drags races see players having to manually change gear as they race against others to the finish line along a straight track. Players will lose the event if they total their vehicle by overheating the engine, crash into an obstacle or start too early.
What is a 1/4 mile drag race?
In Need for Speed: ProStreet and Shift 2: Unleashed, drag races take place on 1/4 mile (pronounced as quarter mile) or 1/2 mile tracks. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted.
Will there be a dedicated drag event?
I think it has been confirmed that there will not be dedicated drag events, at least not at launch. Though they mentioned you could still have drag tires and such, so you can probably still create drag builds.
How do I perform a Drag Race?
The first step is to position your car to the ‘Start Box’ and perform a burnout by holding the brake and the throttle at the same time. Once the bar meter reaches the pair of dots just between the center and the outer-most indicators, your tires should be GOOD and the event will announce that the drag race will begin in just a couple of seconds.
Is drag racing a straight line sport?
Now, for the Drag Race event: It’s fair to assume that going in a straight line is, well, relatively straightforward. That is, until your objective is to go in a straight line faster than everybody else. Drag racing is the art of managing all parameters of a car to its narrow window of optimum performance.
What’s most important on need for Speed?
There’s a selection of Elite superchargers and turbochargers that Need for Speed offers, each affecting parameters such as 0-60 mph acceleration, 1/4 mile time, and top speed. But which is most important? A fast 0-60 mph time will give you the lead at the jump, but you’ll probably lose steam down the road.