- 1 What is Pokemon SoulSilver Version?
- 2 How do you play Pokemon SoulSilver on a DS emulator?
- 3 Where to buy HeartGold and SoulSilver?
- 4 What are the best cheats for Pokemon soul silver?
- 5 What is the Pokéwalker in HeartGold?
- 6 Can you play HeartGold and SoulSilver together?
- 7 What Pokemon can learn Flash naturally?
- 8 How do you get Wild Pokemon in Pokemon silver?
- 9 How do you get starter Pokemon in Heart Gold and silver?
- 10 How do you get Bulbasaur in Heart Gold?
- 11 What is the poke Walker in HeartGold and SoulSilver?
- 12 How do you use flash in Pokemon Emerald?
- 13 How do I get past the rival in HeartGold?
- 14 How do you get all the Pokemon in Heart Gold?
- 15 What are the new Pokemon in Pokemon silver?
- 16 How do you get Articuno in Pokemon soul silver?
What is Pokemon SoulSilver Version?
Pokemon Soulsilver Version is a high quality game that works in all major modern web browsers. This online game is part of the Adventure, RPG, Pokemon, and Nintendo DS gaming categories. Pokemon Soulsilver Version has 352 likes from 423 user ratings.
How do you play Pokemon SoulSilver on a DS emulator?
The Pokemon SoulSilver ROM is available in the US English language. First of all download the Nintendo DS Emulator and the ROM file from the above direct link. Install the emulator and extract the zip file of ROM to run it inside the emulator. Open the emulator and locate the ROM file from inside the emulator.
How do you play the pokeflute in Pokemon HeartGold?
Answers The pokeflute channel is at the top of the radio in the poke gear. Tune it to that and then talk to the Snorlax. Walk over to the snorlax and activate the radio. If you move the cursor to the top of the radio, it will play the pokeflute song.
What is the Best Pokemon game on the DS?
I was already a big fan of the original, but when Pokémon – SoulSilver Version was released on the Nintendo DS, it really cemented this as one of the best Pokémon games. It takes what was already a truly amazing game and adds a few new bells and whistles without losing any of the “soul” that the original game had.
Where to buy HeartGold and SoulSilver? Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version return players to the scenic Johto region first introduced in the beloved original Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver games nearly a decade ago. The richly detailed adventure of Pokémon Gold and Pokémon Silver is now enhanced for the Nintendo DS and Nintendo DSi systems…
What are the best cheats for Pokemon soul silver?
This collection of Action Replay codes for Pokemon Soul Silver features the most useful cheats such as the Walk Through Walls that lets you pass in almost all areas without blockage.
What Pokemon are in HeartGold and SoulSilver Pokédex?
HeartGold & SoulSilver Pokédex The native Johto Pokédex in Pokémon HeartGold & SoulSilver is almost identical to the original games. Strangely, it adds the evolutions Yanmega, Ambipom, Lickilicky, Tangrowth and Mamoswine, but not some other evolutions (e.g. Electivire) or baby Pokémon (e.g. Wynaut).
How do you get to the Pokemon League in Pokemon silver?
The game’s plot is similar to GBA’s Pokémon Silver. Play as Lyra or Ethan and begin in New Bark Town and select your pick your starter from Professor Elms. Form a powerful team of Pokémon to defeat the gym leaders and obtaining their badges so that you can go to the Pokémon League!
What is the Pokéwalker in HeartGold?
Pokémon HeartGold Version and Pokémon SoulSilver Version bring dozens of Pokémon characters back into the limelight for a new Pokémon generation – and longtime fans – to catch, train and battle. The Pokéwalker is a special pedometer that you carry with you that lets you take Pokémon fun wherever you go!
Can you play HeartGold and SoulSilver together?
HeartGold and SoulSilver can access the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection (discontinued) to trade, battle, and interact with other players of the games, as well as players of Pokémon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum. After completing a special Wi-Fi mission download on Pokémon Ranger: Guardian Signs, the player can send a Deoxys to HeartGold and SoulSilver.
How can you tell if a Pokemon platinum game is real?
Pearl is pretty distinct missing almost all of the red hue that the real one above has. Counterfeit Pokemon Platinum games have a red Nintendo symbol instead of the authentic Pokemon Platinum games having a black Nintendo Symbol.
How do you check your Pokemon’s happiness in HeartGold and SoulSilver?
In HeartGold and SoulSilver, there is a woman in Goldenrod City who can be found just north of the Bike Shop on the east side of town. She’ll give you a general idea of how happy you’re Pokemon is, but she won’t tell you your Pokemon’s exact Happiness quota. Here are the things she says: “It doesn’t seem to like you at all.
What Pokemon can learn Flash naturally?
The move also is featured in a few games as a sort of flashlight, allowing the player to navigate dark caves that are normally pitch black. A total of Three Pokemon learn flash naturally, these Pokemon include Volbeat (learned at level 1), Morelul, and Shiinotic (Both at level 8). However, many more Pokemon can learn Flash as an TM/HM move.
How do you get Wild Pokemon in Pokemon silver?
Well, let me just say, Mt. Silver is the one place in the game (HG/SS) with wild Pokemon around level 50. If you have a low-level Pokemon, give it an Exp. Share and have him at the front of your party. Once a strong wild Pokemon, immediately switch out the weaker one for a stronger one and take down the foe.
Is Pokemon silver a good game?
Pokemon Silver is a high quality game that works in all major modern web browsers. This online game is part of the Adventure, Classic, Pokemon, and GBC gaming categories. Pokemon Silver has 171 likes from 194 user ratings. If you enjoy this game then also play games Pokemon Fire Red Version and Pokemon Emerald Version.
What are the known Pokémon in Heart Gold & Soul silver?
As such, this page only contains the known Pokémon in Heart Gold & Soul Silver. It’ll be updated as we get more information. Johto No. Picture: Name Type 1 Type 2 #001 Chikorita #002 Bayleef #003 Meganium #004 Cyndaquil #005 Quilava #006 Typhlosion #007 Totodile #008 Croconaw #009 Feraligatr #010 Pidgey #011
How do you get starter Pokemon in Heart Gold and silver?
>The second batch of Starters you will find are the Pokémon whom trainers start with when they begin the journey in Kanto. In Heart Gold & Soul Silver, these Pokémon are obtained by visiting Professor Oak after you have obtained all 16 Badges and defeating Red. He will compliment you on your success and provide you one of these Pokémon.
How do you get Bulbasaur in Heart Gold?
Kanto Starters (Bulbasaur, Charmander and Squirtle) >The second batch of Starters you will find are the Pokémon whom trainers start with when they begin the journey in Kanto. In Heart Gold & Soul Silver, these Pokémon are obtained by visiting Professor Oak after you have obtained all 16 Badges and defeating Red.
How do you get Groudon in soul silver?
Not many people know that you can catch Groudon on SoulSilver, but here’s how you can! Steps. Have a Pokémon that’s about close to Lvl. 70 and knows False Swipe. False Swipe is sold at the Goldenrod Dept. Store and can be given to Kingler/Krabby, Cubone/Marowak and many other Pokémon.
What is Pokéathlon in Heart Gold & Soul silver?
Pokéathlon is a new game feature introduced in Pokémon Heart Gold & Pokémon Soul Silver. In the west of the National Park in Johto is the Pokéathlon Dome. This Dome is where a whole new Pokémon contest stands.
What is the poke Walker in HeartGold and SoulSilver?
Johto starters in Heart Gold and SoulSilver. The Poké Walker is a handheld pedometer that resembles a Poké Ball. It was sold with the HeartGold and SoulSilver Pokémon games.
How do you use flash in Pokemon Emerald?
In Pokémon Emerald, using Flash in the Ancient Tomb grants access to a chamber where the player finds Registeel. In Pokémon Black and White, Flash grants access to the 3rd floor of the Abyssal Ruins. Creates a brilliant flash of light that blinds the target. This technique reduces the opponent’s accuracy.
What does Flash do in Pokemon Go?
Flash lowers the target’s Accuracy by one stage. Stats can be lowered to a minimum of -6 stages each. Pokémon with the abilities Keen Eye, Clear Body or White Smoke cannot have their accuracy reduced. In Generations 1-3, Flash has 70% accuracy.
Does Flash work in Pokemon Omega Ruby?
In Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, dark areas where Flash can be used to light up the surroundings are present once again. However, in this game the dark areas are shown to be more dimly lit rather than completely dark, making the move less needed than before. Flash is no longer usable outside of battle.
How do I get past the rival in HeartGold?
After you have obtained the Pokédex from Professor Oak in Route 30 and return back towards New Bark Town after a call from Professor Elm stating he has been robbed, you will encounter your Rival as you exit Cherrygrove City. He will quickly challenge you so that he can get past
How do you get all the Pokemon in Heart Gold?
In Heart Gold & Soul Silver, these Pokémon are obtained by visiting Professor Oak after you have obtained all 16 Badges and defeating Red. He will compliment you on your success and provide you one of these Pokémon. As with all starters, they will be at Level 5.
What is the difference between HeartGold and SoulSilver?
Pokémon HeartGold and Pokémon SoulSilver Versions are fully-enhanced versions of the original Pokémon Gold Version and Pokémon Silver Version games from 2001. Start your quest in New Bark Town and answer the call of the local Pokémon professor.
Can you play Pokemon silver on 3DS?
When initially launched on the Game Boy Color system, the Pokémon Silver Version game continued to expand the Pokémon universe, adding 100 Pokémon, held items, Pokémon eggs, and real-time events thanks to an internal game clock. Now a new feature lets you trade and battle Pokémon using local wireless on the Nintendo 3DS family of systems!
What are the new Pokemon in Pokemon silver?
Pokémon Silver Version introduced new Pokémon types as well—look out for Steel-type and Dark-type Pokémon throughout your travels. At the start of your expedition, you’ll have the option to choose one of three starting Pokémon: Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile.
How do you get Articuno in Pokemon soul silver?
Unlike in Gold & Silver, Articuno is obtainable in the wild in Pok mon Heart Gold & Soul Silver after you earn all 16 badges. Following on from its location in Fire Red & Leaf Green, Articuno can now be found deep within the Seafoam Islands.
What does Silver Wind mean in Pokemon Red?
Italics indicates a Pokémon whose evolution or alternate form receives STAB from this move. In Red Rescue Team and Blue Rescue Team, Silver Wind is a move with 12 power, 95% accuracy and 13PP.