What is shrink ray Island in Poptropica?
Shrink Ray Island is the newest island in Poptropica, and was launched for members in early access on June 30, 2011. In this island adventure, the star science fair student has gone missing and you need to find out what happened. Here’s what the official Poptropica island info page says about this new quest:
How do you solve the problem on shrink ray Island?
To solve a problem this big, you’ve got to think small! Go to Shrink Ray Island on the main Poptropica map and you’ll arrive on Main Street and land on top of a slide and swing set.
Where is the star student in shrink ray Island?
When you arrive on Shrink Ray Island, go directly to the school and into the room where the science fair is taking place. All the other science fair displays are up, save for one: turns out, the star student, CJ, is missing! Talk to CJ’s father next to the empty stand on the right and ask how you can help.
What is shareshrink Ray Island?
Shrink Ray Island is the newest island in Poptropica, and was launched for members in early access on June 30, 2011. In this island adventure, the star science fair student has gone missing and you need to find out what happened.
This section of the game takes you to Shrink Ray Island, one of the islands in Poptropica. Here, you are tasked with keeping the shrink ray– a ray gun that shrinks anything it touches– from falling into evil hands.
How to get to the magnet display in shrink ray Island?
Check out the Walkthrough of Shrink Ray Island below and let me know how it goes. Enter the science fair building and go to the right. Go through the doors that say Science Fair and walk to the right. Ask the kid with the magnet display if you can help with anything. He says he wants you to go to his apartment on Avenue A.
What is the correct password for the shrink ray gun?
The correct password is m4r13 cur13. Marie Curie is CJ’s hero and you should replace the i’s with 1’s, the a with a 4 and the e’s with 3’s. The blueprints for the shrink ray gun will be uploaded. Jump up again to get on the shelf with the Rubik’s Cube and her green diary.
How to get to the River City Science Fair in Poptropica?
Go to Shrink Ray Island on the main Poptropica map and you’ll arrive on Main Street and land on top of a slide and swing set. You can head to the left to enter the multi-player room, which is the Sweet Dreams Candy Shop, but for now you want to head to the right and go inside PS 101, which is holding the River City Science Fair.
How do you get the Green Balloon in shrink ray Island?
Poptropica Cheats for Shrink Ray Island. Walk left some more and put the battery in the TV remote. Stomp on the buttons to turn on the TV. Climb up to the top of it and climb the antennas. There’s something strange about them. Now hop off and then jump off left to crash into the green balloon.
What is the 20th Island on Poptropica?
Shrink Ray Island was the 20th island on Poptropica. A sound-updated version was released on November 20, 2014. 2.2 C.J.’s Apartment: I’ve Been Shrunk!