What is special about Pokemon Platinum?
Locations. While not present in Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl, Pokemon Platinum brings back the Battle Frontier, a post-game location with new challenges for players to face. This specific one has the Battle Tower, Battle Factory, Battle Arcade, Battle Castle, and Battle Hall.
Does Pokemon Platinum have all Gen 4 Pokemon?
59 more Pokémon have been added to the Sinnoh Pokédex to give it a total of 210 entries, with all non-Legendary Pokémon introduced in Generation IV now included, along with their pre-evolved forms and several other Pokémon.
What Gen is platinum in Pokemon?
fourth generation
It is an enhanced version of Pokémon Diamond and Pearl and is part of the fourth generation of the Pokémon video game series. It was released in Japan on September 13, 2008, and later in North America, Australia, and Europe in 2009.
Can you get palkia in platinum?
Palkia and Dialga can be caught in Pokemon Platinum after defeating the Elite Four. In Mt. Coronet, there will be two items to pick up. Be sure to have HM Waterfall available for use.
What happens when you catch MissingNo?
Top Voted Answer. One of 2 things will happen if you catch MissingNo: 1. Nothing (besides the 6th item multiplying). 2. Your game is messed up (Hall of Fame, graphics, crashes your game, erases your save, etc.) Looks like you had bad luck or caught a bad MissingNo or ‘M, however, erase that save and restart.
How do I catch MissingNo.?
Steps 1. Make sure that your character’s name is “ASH” without the quotation marks. Catching Missingno. depends on having… 2. Go to Viridian City and talk to the old man located in the north. When he asks if you are in a hurry, say “No”. 3. Watch the video the man shows you. The man will show you
When does MissingNo evolve in Pokemon Red version?
Missingno can go over level 100. It can learn certain moves more than once. It can’t evolve. It has the highest attack stat in Red and Blue, but also the lowest defense stat. And, according to Nintendo, it can actively corrupt your game. So, if you do choose to capture it, do be careful!
Which Pokemon are still missing in Pokemon Go?
The missing Flying-Type Pokemon include: Swellow and Tailow: The “Gen 3” equivalent to Spearow or Pidgey. Expect to see a lot of these Pokemon when they get added. Wingull and Pelipper: A pair of Water/Flying-Type Pokemon, these two should be pretty common in Water-Type spawn areas.