What is the best moveset for garchomp?
Answers. Depends on your hold item and Nature. Attack is by far the best stat Garchomp has (base 130), followed by HP (base 108) and Speed (base 102), so Jolly or Adamant Natures and Physical Moves will help immensely. Yache Berry helps VS Ice Type Moves and Choice Band and Choice Scarf help with the powerhouse nature of this Pokemon.
What is garchomps best moveset?
Earthquake and Dragon Claw/Dragon Rush are really good for Garchomp’s STAB moves, and deal a good amount of damage. Stone Edge can be used for annoying flying types such as Talonflame or Charizard. Poison Jab or Iron Head are good for covering fairies, one of Garchomp’s weaknesses.
Does garchomp learn earthquake?
It has a very good type which is Dragon and Ground. This means that Garchomp can learn many amazing moves such as Earthquake, Outrage and Dragon Rush. Its physical attack combined with its awesome speed makes it a very good team Pokemon.
Stone Edge is Garchomp’s best move against Lugia, and although Garchomp should not square off against Timid Lugia, Bold Lugia will be 2HKOed by Stone Edge after Stealth Rock. As with the Choice Scarf set, Dragon Claw is useful for finishing off weakened Pokemon without any of the issues of the other moves.
Who is garchomp in top down training?
Cynthia’s Garchomp made her anime debut in Top- Down Training! where she battled Paul. Garchomp is Cynthia’s main Pokémon and she releases her to assist Ash and the group to disband Team Galactic.
Is Paralysis support good for garchomp?
Therefore, paralysis support can be helpful for stopping faster foes from disrupting its sweep. This is especially true when Garchomp is not running a type-resist Berry. Lugia is a good choice for paralysis support, as it often lures in Mewtwo and Darkrai, and can promptly cripple them with Thunder Wave.
How good is outrage on garchomp?
Outrage is important for this set, because Garchomp does not have the power of Choice Band to boost its attacks, Outrage’s STAB and 120 Base Power help make up for the lack of a boost. STAB Earthquake is also important for coverage, taking out Steel-types such as Dialga, and Metagross.