What is the best starter Pokemon for Pokemon leaf green?
Best starter Pokemon hints and tips for Pokemon LeafGreen. Normally the best starter Pokemon is fire but on fire red and leaf green it’s water because you can get allot of fire flying grass and electric plus the Pokemon league is much easier with blastoise.
What Pokemon are in fire red and leaf green?
FireRed & LeafGreen Pokédex FireRed & LeafGreen stick to the original 151 Pokémon of Red/Blue/Yellow, despite having introduced two new generations of Pokémon in the meantime, including evolutions of Kanto Pokémon. Said Pokémon (such as Crobat, Pichu) are only obtainable after the National Dex is acquired.
What is the name of the starter Pokemon in the Pokemon games?
Brock’s starter Pokémon is Onix, which he later evolved into Steelix. Misty’s starter Pokémon were Goldeen, Staryu and Starmie; however, it is not known which one she had first. Tracey’s starter Pokémon were Venonat and Marill; however, it is not known which one he had first.
What level can you get a starter Pokemon in Pokemon Go?
In the core series games (with two exceptions ), the player can choose a fire , water, or grass -type starter Pokémon at level 5.
What is the best starter Pokemon for fire red?
Normally the best starter Pokemon is fire but on fire red and leaf green it’s water because you can get allot of fire flying grass and electric plus the Pokemon league is much easier with blastoise. I play big big amount of Pokemon, I have always liked it.
Is Suicune the best starter Pokemon?
1. You get Suicune and Suicune is rare. 2. Suicune is the best legendary dog out of those 3 legendary dogs. 3. HES AWESOME! re: Whats the best starter Pokemon? Charmander lets you get Suicune. Suicune is the best Legendary Dog between those three legendarie dogs. Make sure you test out all moves before teaching Suicune a move. Either, go in battle.
Is Charmander the strongest Pokemon in the game?
Charmander is the strongest when it comes to just raw damage. It has a hard time sustaining itself and the early game can be hard. You need to catch and grind other Pokemon to help you deal with the early Gyms.
What is the best starter Pokemon in competitive mode?
Answer: If you count evolutions, Charmander (as Charizard) has the most competitive usage, especially with two different mega forms. However, for casual players, Bulbasaur is often best, as his type works well against the first three Kanto gym leaders. Question: What is your favorite starter in all the Pokemon games?
Is Charmander the best starter in Pokemon?
Which is the best starter in Pokemon: Bulbasaur, Charmander, or Squirtle? Answer: If you count evolutions, Charmander (as Charizard) has the most competitive usage, especially with two different mega forms. However, for casual players, Bulbasaur is often best, as his type works well against the first three Kanto gym leaders.