What is the difference between Gork and Mork?

What is the difference between Gork and Mork?

The difference between the twin Greenskin Gods is simple: Gork is brutal but cunning, while Mork is cunning but brutal. To make this comprehensible, one has to think like an Ork (a debatable proposition at best); Mork hits you when you aren’t looking and Gork hits you even harder when you are.

Do Orks pray to Gork or Mork?

The Orks believe that Gork and Mork are personal Gods; i.e. they will offer divine aid to those Orks who ask for it, if they are found deserving, but it does not matter which of the two Gods an Ork prays to, since they are essentially interchangeable.

What is the relationship between the Orks and Mork?

Gork and Mork are the twin gods of the Orks. Ork traits and emotions have a reflection in the warp the same as the traits and emotions of Humans and Eldar do.

What are Ork Stompas and Gargants?

Ork Stompas and Gargants are built in honour (and possibly in the likeness of) the two mighty Greenskin Gods. The Mekboyz who build them work from a vision held within their imagination that they believe has been sent to them by Gork and Mork, usually inspired during the onset of a new WAAAGH!.

Who are the Orks and Mork?

Gork and Mork are the Gods of the Orks, the echoes of the Greenskin race in the Empyrean, the fathers of the WAAAGH! and all-round thugz.

Why don’t the Greenskins call on Gork and Mork for help?

Greenskins do not call upon Gork and Mork for aid when they are in trouble, nor do Orcs and Goblins beseech them for gifts, such as softer or punier races might do. Instead, these war-gods and their infamous deeds serve as inspiration. Gork is brutal but kunnin’ and his brother Mork is kunnin’ but brutal.

What is Gork the god of?

Though both are warrior gods, Gork is the primary deity of clobbering, smashing, breaking, killing and pummelling the rest of the galaxy into submission. This is a notion that resonates strongly with the more single-minded warbosses of the Ork race, of whom Grukk is a perfect example.

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