What is the difference between the ax-50 and the HDR?
The last stat we are going to talk about are the Rate of Fire for these two snipers. In this department, the AX-50 edges out the HDR. The AX-50 has an RPM of 48 with the time between each shot at 1.25s while the HDR can fire 42 RPM with 1.44s between each shot.
What is the best Ax 50 for Warzone?
Best AX-50 Warzone class setup. Here is the best AX-50 Warzone class setup: Lightweight Suppressor; 32.0″ Factory Barrel; Tac Laser; Signuard Arms Assassin; Stippled Grip Tape
Is the ax-50 worth it?
Of course, with less muzzle velocity, you’ll find that the AX-50 is a little harder to use at extreme distances, but it’s still manageable if you practice plenty. This AX-50 class will keep you off the radar, improve your aim down sight speed and mobility, and still down with a single headshot.
Is the HDR better than the sniper rifle?
So overall the HDR is a little bit faster. Also when it comes to swapping from the sniper to another weapon, both snipers are at dead even. Damage Range is an important aspect to look at since snipers are usually used at long ranges. Both of these snipers can one-shot anyone even with full armor with a headshot, making them even in that category.
How good is the axax-50 for aggressive play?
AX-50 has a faster bullet velocity so you don’t have to lead as much for moving targets at extreme ranges I play aggressive with HDR, faster ADS Stock and thermal scope, works well but it’s slow and you won’t win gunfights – you need to go for enemies that don’t see you. My strat recently is to throw smoke and use the scope to see through it
What are the pros and cons of HDR?
They will all kill if you shoot the Upper thigh, waist, stomach, chest, neck, head, shoulders and biceps. forearm and hand shots will not kill. (also feet, chins, knees, lower thigh). That being said I get much less hit markers with HDR. Pros: Much less bullet drop, more effective at longer ranges.
While not as serious as the Bullet drops in other games, AX-50 has a bit of bullet drop that can make make you miss a shot in ranged engagements. Its something that can only be minimized by muscle memory, so get training! With its faster rate of fire, you can kill opponents downed by your 1st shots faster than HDR in Warzone.
HDR has a very stable ballistics trajectory that remains flat even to extreme ranges. If you’re looking to pick people from very far away, HDR is suitable for the task. HDR is restricted by its slower Aim Down Sights (ADS) speed & Slower fire rate (Re-cocking motion).