What is the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection?
This is the complete collection of all the Sims 2 games (base game, expansions and stuff packs). It’s only available through Origin. EA removed all the separate expansion packs and stuff packs from Origin, and instead added one listing called The Sims 2: Ultimate Collection.
What does The Sims 2 double deluxe collection include?
Not to be confused with this though. Each Collection includes 1 Expansion Pack and 2 Stuff Packs. The Sims 2 Double Deluxe includes The Sims 2 Base Game, The Sims 2 Nightlife and The Sims 2 Celebration.
What is included in the Ultimate Collection?
It includes Double Deluxe and the University Life, Best of Business, and Fun with Pets collections, as well as the expansion and stuff packs that are not part of these collections. One difference in Ultimate Collection is that it does not have a “The Sims 2” folder.
How do I get the Sims 2 Ultimate Collection on origin?
The Sims 2: Ultimate Collection will appear in your Origin library automatically. You’ll need to download and install it to your computer to play it. You’re free to continue playing your existing version of The Sims 2, but please note that it is an older edition of the game that will soon lose technical support.
How do I redeem the original Sims collection?
You could temporarily redeem the collection by using the code “I-LOVE-THE-SIMS” which worked until the end of July, 2014. After this promotion was over, people still occasionnally received the collection via the Origin helpdesk, when they could prove they had all (or at least some) of the original games.
Is there a free version of the Sims 2 on origin?
After this promotion was over, people still occasionnally received the collection via the Origin helpdesk, when they could prove they had all (or at least some) of the original games. There is also a similar version on Mac, called The Sims 2: Super Collection. This Mac version isn’t free though, and it isn’t available through Origin itself.
Is there a free version of the Sims 2 for Mac?
There is also a similar version on Mac, called The Sims 2: Super Collection. This Mac version isn’t free though, and it isn’t available through Origin itself. You have to purchase it via the Mac App store.