What is the status of a yuan-ti?
Two halfblood females relaxing in a typical yuan-ti home. In general, the more serpentine features a yuan-ti possesses the higher its status in yuan-ti society. Abominations are at the top of their society, followed by halfblood, and finally purebloods.
Are yuan ti good or bad?
The yuan-ti are a fictional species of monstrous humanoid snake -men in the role-playing game Dungeons & Dragons. They usually have a chaotic evil alignment. In some campaign settings, the yuan-ti are descended from evil human cultists who mixed their bloodlines with those of serpents. They have formidable psionic abilities.
Where can I find yuan ti in Forgotten Realms?
A charging yuan-ti in the jungles of Chult, in the game Forgotten Realms: Demon Stone. A dark yuan-ti in Demon Stone. A yuan-ti priest of Sseth calls forth the sacrifices to summon their god to aid them in battle in Demon Stone. A yuan-ti as it appears in the Aurora Toolset of the game Neverwinter Nights.
Do yuan-ti worship Hel?
Rarely, some Yuan-ti will worship Hel, the black sheep of Loki’s children and only the most evil of the yuan-ti will go over to her side, working necromancy or becoming a black guard. Yuan-Ti have their own language in which they speak with some variable tribal differences.
How are yuan-ti hatchlings trained?
Yuan-ti hatchlings are hatched from these eggs, which are always curious and eager to explore, and will seek food immediately, even eating each other if sustenance is not at hand. Their initial training is provided by broodguards, which also monitor the hatchery.
Did yuan ti use grafts to modify their bodies?
Purebloods were the most likely yuan-ti to use grafts to modify their bodies, provided the new serpentine body parts could still be easily hidden with magic or underneath clothing until “needed”. Yuan-ti were perfectionists, and only used high-quality weapons.