What is Zaros the god of?
Zaros ( pronounced “ZÀ-ross”) is the god of fate and control, as well as the divine aspect of the dark, countering his companion, Seren, who is the divine aspect of light. He is an extremely powerful entity whose power ranks amongst that of Guthix and Seren, having been directly created by an Elder God.
What is Zaros’ incorporeal form?
• This is his incorporeal form. • He looks like [subject]. Zaros ( pronounced “ZÀ-ross”) is the god of fate and control, as well as the divine aspect of the dark, countering his companion, Seren, who is the divine aspect of light.
What is an ancient zarosian?
Zaros was first mentioned in the 2003 quest The Digsite. As Zaros is mostly forgotten, most items that are affiliated with him are referred to as “ancient”, rather than “Zarosian”. The remaining items posses the suffix: ” of darkness “.
What is the connection between Zaros and Seren?
Zaros and Seren were both created by the Elder God Mah on Freneskae when the last cycle of the universe began, what Zaros describes as eons ago, to serve as company. They were tied to each other in ways neither could control.
Are all of Zaros’ followers evil?
Zaros’ followers, however, differ greatly in morality. Some of Zaros’ followers may be called evil in the conventional sense of being ruthless, enjoying being deceptive and seeking power for power’s sake.
What is the color of Zaros?
Zaros’ colour seems to be various shades of purple, although cream and gold dominated the Senntisten Temple. The Zarosian religion makes extensive use of the Infernal language, which was taken from the original inhabitants of Infernus.
How much damage does the Zaros godsword do?
The Zaros godsword has a special attack, Blackhole, which summons a black hole over the player’s location for 20 seconds. While this black hole is active, melee damage is increased by 25%, and if your target enters the black hole, it takes 25-50% ability damage every 1.8 seconds. This costs 50% adrenaline, and has a 60-second cooldown.
What is a barrows-dyed Zaros godsword?
The barrows-dyed Zaros godsword is a Zaros godsword that has been dyed with a barrows dye – it is otherwise the same as the undyed variant. This process is irreversible. It can be augmented with an augmentor to make the augmented Zaros godsword (barrows) .