What kind of Pokemon is gastrodon?
Gastrodon ( トリトドン Toritodon) is a Water / Ground -type Pokémon introduced in Generation IV. A moderate-sized giant slug found in the Sinnoh region. It shows allotropic specification (same species but different appearances). The West Sea form is brown & pink, with bumps and pink spots on its back.
Is special defense good for gastrodon?
The EV investment in Special Defense allows Gastrodon to avoid the 2HKO from +2 Modest Omastar’s Ice Beam after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery. Gastrodon should be used as a check to Rock-, Water-, Electric-, and Poison-types like Lycanroc, Jellicent, non-Hidden Power Grass Lanturn, and Skuntank.
What level does gastrodon evolve from shellos?
Gastrodon evolves from Shellos starting at level 30. It has a pliable body without any bones. If any part of its body is torn off, it grows right back. It apparently had a huge shell for protection in ancient times. It lives in shallow tidal pools. Long ago, its entire back was shielded with a sturdy shell.
Is there a gastrodon in the East Sea?
East Sea: A team of researchers is scouring the oceans of the world in search of a Gastrodon in a color never seen before. West Sea: Plankton, invisible to the naked eye, is its main food source. It comes onto the land periodically, but the reason for this is not known.
Gastrodon is a Water / Ground type Pokémon introduced in Generation 4. It is known as the Sea Slug Pokémon. Gastrodon. Additional artwork.
Why is gastrodon so popular?
On top of that, Gastrodon’s fantastic defensive typing gives it four resistances, an immunity to Electric-type moves, and only one weakness–Grass. It even has access to reliable recovery in the form of Recover.
What is gastrodon’s base friendship value?
In Generations 4-7, Gastrodon has a base Friendship value of 70. It has a pliable body without any bones. If any part of its body is torn off, it grows right back. It apparently had a huge shell for protection in ancient times. It lives in shallow tidal pools. Long ago, its entire back was shielded with a sturdy shell.
What is the best attack for a gastrodon?
Earthquake is also useful for its ability to always 3HKO every variant of Tyranitar, a Pokemon that Gastrodon will commonly be walling. Earth Power is still an option, as it has the advantage of benefiting from Storm Drain’s Special Attack boost. Scald is a staple on any bulky Water-type, and Gastrodon is no exception.
What happens when you throw mud at a gastrodon?
When it’s attacked, it gushes a purple liquid that’s not poisonous but makes Gastrodon’s meat bitter and inedible. A relative of Shellder and Cloyster, this ocean dweller sometimes comes onto land in search of food. Cat. The user hurls mud in the target’s face to inflict damage and lower its accuracy.
What evolves from shellos to gastrodon?
Gastrodon (East Sea) evolves from Shellos which costs 50 Candy. Gastrodon (East Sea) is a Water & Ground Pokémon which evolves from Shellos. It is vulnerable to Grass moves. Gastrodon’s strongest moveset is Mud-Slap & Earthquake and it has a Max CP of 2,324.
What is the best moveset for gastrodon?
Summary. Gastrodon (East Sea) is a Water & Ground Pokémon which evolves from Shellos. It is vulnerable to Grass moves. Gastrodon’s strongest moveset is Mud-Slap & Earth Power and it has a Max CP of 2,324.
What is gastrodon (East Sea) weak against?
Gastrodon (East Sea) is a Water/Ground type Pokémon, which makes it especially weak against Grass moves. The 5 strongest Pokémon against Gastrodon (East Sea) are:
What happens to the gastrodon when it is threatened?
When it is threatened, it oozes purple fluid and flees. Gastrodon lives in shallow tidal pools. Its body is soft and squishy, yet surprisingly resilient.