What Pokemon kills jolteon?

What Pokemon kills jolteon?

In-battle formes

Type Electric Resists: Electric Flying Weak to: Ground
Tier OU

Is jolteon the best Pokemon?

Jolteon is an offensive powerhouse in PvP, with an emphasis on frequent and powerful STAB charge moves thanks to the best energy generation in the game. A shield bait with Discharge and a direct hit from Thunder is often enough to severely wound if not KO most opponents who don’t resist Electric-type attacks.

Is a jolteon good?

Jolteon has traditionally been a good Pokemon in high-tier play, reasonably hard-hitting and fast enough to outrun most of the Pokemon it’s likely to face off against.

Will jolteon learn Thundershock?

Moves learnt by level up

Lv. Move Type
1 Take Down Normal
1 Thunder Shock Electric
5 Sand Attack Ground
10 Quick Attack Normal

Should jolteon learn pin missile?

Like all Electric types, Jolteon is an ideal combatant against Water or Flying Pokémon and it defends well against other Electric Pokémon, as well. As explained above, Jolteon’s Pin Missile attack is also very effective against Psychic types, as well as Grass and Poison Pokémon.

Why is jolteon so weak?

Jolteon is an Electric-type Pokemon, which makes it particularly vulnerable to Ground moves. Jolteon’s cells generate a low level of electricity.

Does jolteon learn Thunderbolt?

Pokémon Details

This Pokémon can learn the following HMs and TMs:
TM 06 – Toxic TM 08 – Body Slam TM 09 – Take Down TM 10 – Double Edge TM 15 – Hyper Beam TM 20 – Rage TM 24 – Thunderbolt TM 25 – Thunder TM 31 – Mimic TM 32 – Double Team TM 33 – Reflect TM 34 – Bide

What tier is jolteon in?

In-battle formes

Type Electric Resists: Electric Flying Steel Weak to: Ground
Abilities Quick Feet If this Pokemon is statused, its Speed is 1.5x; ignores Speed drop from paralysis. Volt Absorb This Pokemon heals 1/4 of its max HP when hit by Electric moves; Electric immunity.
Tier PU

Can jolteon learn Thunderbolt?

Can jolteon learn thunderbolt in platinum?

2 Answers. You can give it Thunder Shock by going to the Move Relearner in Pastoria City and paying the NPC a Heart Scale. The next Electric move Jolteon learns via level up is Thunder Fang, at Level 43, so you should probably get Thunderbolt as soon as you can. Hope I helped!

Is twin needle better than pin missile?

They’re both STAB, and Twin Needle has a nice poison chance. Pin Missile is 95% Accuracy, but can hit 2-5 times.

Is Jolteon a good Pokemon?

Even though this moveset only has one damaging move, Jolteon with high SpA EVs is easily strong enough to take down most Pokemon that can resist thunderbolt. If the substitute fades, simply just use it again (unless you’re low on hp, just rely on your double team and your opponents’ reduced accuracy.

How much experience does Jolteon have in Gen 1?

1 In Generation 1, Jolteon has a base Special stat of 110. 2 In Generations 1-4, Jolteon has a base experience yield of 197. 3 In Generations 2-7, Jolteon has a base Friendship value of 70.

Is Jolteon or Luxray better for Electric type?

re: jolteon or luxray? Jolteon takes ages to learn any kind of electric or decent move after it evolves. Luxray is your best bet. As for the moveset given by DXD it would suit Luxray better if it were; Luxray @ Life Orb.

How many EVS does Jolteon have at level 100?

The ranges shown on the right are for a level 100 Pokémon. Maximum values are based on a beneficial nature, 252 EVs, 31 IVs; minimum values are based on a hindering nature, 0 EVs, 0 IVs. The effectiveness of each type on Jolteon. In Generation 1, Jolteon has a base Special stat of 110. In Generations 1-4, Jolteon has a base experience yield of 197.

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