Where can I find a move tutor in Pokemon Go?
A Move Tutor (Japanese: 技教え人 Move Teacher) is a non-player character who will teach a Pokémon specific moves. Move Tutors are found in Kanto (including the Sevii Islands ), Johto, Hoenn, Orre, Sinnoh, Unova, Kalos, Alola, and the Pokémon Stadium.
What is a special tutor in Pokemon platinum?
An attack move that cuts down the target’s HP to equal the user’s HP. In the Battle Resort, west of the Pokémon Center, there are four small shacks, each of them housing a special tutor. These Move Tutors will teach your Pokémon various moves in exchange for BP earned in the Battle Maison.
How do you teach a Pokemon special moves in Pokemon Ruby?
Teaching a Pokemon these moves is completely free. The Ultimate Dragon move can be learned from a man in Sootopolis City. His house is located on the northeast side of the city. Rayquaza can learn a special move in Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire. Once you capture it at Sky Pillar, Zinnia will teach your Rayquaza this move.
Where can I teach Mew moves in Pokemon XD?
In Pokémon XD, there is a Move Tutor in Agate Village. Like all Move Tutors in FireRed and LeafGreen and the free Move Tutors in Emerald, these moves can only be taught once. A Move Tutor at Mt. Battle can teach Mew moves for the cost of 5,000 Poké Coupons.
How many tutors are there in Pokemon Emerald?
There are two tutors, located in the Celadon City and Fuchsia City PokéCenters.
Do you have to pay for tutors in Pokemon Black 2?
Cat. There are several move tutors in Pokémon Black & White 2 who require payment in shards. As opposed to Platinum, each tutor requires shards of one colour, which makes things easier. Requires Red Shards. Cat.
Where can I find a tutor for Pikachu in LGE?
LGP/LGE introduce a new tutor that teaches special moves to your starter Pikachu or Eevee. They cover a wide variety of types to help through the game. There are two tutors, located in the Celadon City and Fuchsia City PokéCenters. Cat.