Where can I find Mew in Pokemon soul silver?
Ninetailed Fox answered: Theres no wild Mew in Pokemon Soul Silver. It was given away through a wifi event awhile back, but thats over now, sorry. If you really want it you should trade with someone to get it. If you don’t have anyone to trade with you could buy an Action Replay and use a code to get it.
How do you get Soul Dew in Pokemon Heart Gold?
The third WiFi Event in Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver gives you the key item; Enigma Stone. When you take this item to the Pewter City Museum and take it to the guy who revives your fossils, he will discover that it is the Soul Dew. Soon after, Steven Stone will arrive and will tell you it is an incarnation of the souls of Latios & Latias.
What is the next WiFi event in Heart Gold & Soul silver?
The next WiFi Event in Pokémon Heart Gold & Soul Silver is attributed to the PokéWalker peripheral. When you receive this gift, you will discover that you have obtained a new PokéWalker course. This PokéWalker course is filled with Pokémon that are normally hard to find and they know a variety of moves they don’t normally have.
How do you get a Mew?
If you don’t have anyone to trade with you could buy an Action Replay and use a code to get it. You can’t find any Mew’s in the wild in any game, the only way to obtain a Mew is by receiving it from a Nintendo event that they hold every now and then or another way is by trading someone from our forums by clicking here.
Where can I find Pokemon in Heart Gold and soul silver?
Depending on the version of your game (Heart Gold or Soul Silver) the pokemon may be a different level or have a different move set. Found in the Power Plant after collecting all 16 badges.
Can you play Pokemon gold and silver on the DS?
The Gold and Silver standards in Pokemon gameplay are now set for a new generation as Nintendo brings back Pokemon Gold & Silver in enhanced versions for the Nintendo DS platform.