Where is desert visions located in Arizona?
Desert Visions is located on the Gila River Indian Community in Sacaton, Arizona, approximately 40 miles south of Phoenix. Desert Visions is a 24 bed facility and is accredited by The Joint Commission (TJC). The Treatment Center has an open and continuous enrollment for both male and female adolescents.
How do accessaccess Arizona health plans work?
Access Arizona plans work similarly to a marketplace HMO (Health Maintenance Organization) plan. You’ll have to select one primary physician who accepts your plan to be the first doctor you go to for all your health care needs.
When did access Arizona start in Arizona?
The program began in 1982 and works with over 70,000 different medical providers in the state of Arizona, providing services for almost two million beneficiaries. The Access Arizona vision is “to shape tomorrow’s managed care…from today’s experience, quality and innovation.”
What is the length of stay at Desert visions?
Desert Visions is a 24 bed facility and is accredited by The Joint Commission (TJC). The Treatment Center has an open and continuous enrollment for both male and female adolescents. Our length of stay is approximately 120 days, dependent on the progress of the client.
What is the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES)?
Welcome to the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES). DES works with families, community organizations, advocates and state and federal partners to realize our collective vision that every child, adult, and family in Arizona will be safe and economically secure.
What is deltavision by EyeMed Vision?
Northeast Delta Dental has joined forces with EyeMed Vision Care to provide a comprehensive insured vision product, DeltaVision.
How do I find a deltavision provider?
If your company does not currently have a DeltaVision Plan and you would like to learn more about it, please contact your producer or Northeast Delta Dental at 1-800–260-3788 in Maine or 1-800-537-1715 in New Hampshire. To learn more about our EyeMed partner, visit their web site. Eyemed Vision Care. To find a DeltaVision participating provider.