Where is the star student in shrink ray Island?

Where is the star student in shrink ray Island?

When you arrive on Shrink Ray Island, go directly to the school and into the room where the science fair is taking place. All the other science fair displays are up, save for one: turns out, the star student, CJ, is missing! Talk to CJ’s father next to the empty stand on the right and ask how you can help.

What are the best books to read for shrink ray Island?

Shrink Ray Island Guide 1 The Big Picture. 2 Starting to Think Small. 3 Dumpster Diving. 4 Shocking Events. 5 Shedding a Little Light on the Situation. 6 Code Cracking. 7 Bathroom Break. 8 To the Toy Car and Beyond. 9 The Incredible Shrunken Silva. 10 Written By: Spotted Dragon

What is the shrink ray card in Poptropica?

There’s a Shrink Ray gold card available in the Poptropica Store, a handheld item that makes characters shrink when you press spacebar while pointing it at them. It was released on July 21, 2011. It used to cost 250 credits, but to celebrate the release of the Shrink Ray SUI, it became free around November 2014.

How to get to the magnet display in shrink ray Island?

Check out the Walkthrough of Shrink Ray Island below and let me know how it goes. Enter the science fair building and go to the right. Go through the doors that say Science Fair and walk to the right. Ask the kid with the magnet display if you can help with anything. He says he wants you to go to his apartment on Avenue A.

What is shrink ray Island walkthrough adventure?

In the Shrink Ray Island Walkthrough adventure, a science fair student, the smartest one of them all, has gone missing. It is your goal and job to find out exactly where this student has gone or who has taken him!

How did GRU get the SR6 shrink ray?

In order to pull off the theft of the Moon, Gru needed the SR-6 shrink ray to shrink the satellite. He manages to locate it by the time the Pyramid of Giza is stolen. He initially steals the SR-6 from the top-secret testing lab on a East-Asian island, which was used to shrink an elephant.

What is the correct password for the shrink ray gun?

The correct password is m4r13 cur13. Marie Curie is CJ’s hero and you should replace the i’s with 1’s, the a with a 4 and the e’s with 3’s. The blueprints for the shrink ray gun will be uploaded. Jump up again to get on the shelf with the Rubik’s Cube and her green diary.

How do you copy all the information about shrink ray gun?

Use the Thumb Drive to copy all the information about Shrink Ray Gun from the computer. Use the password m4r13 cur13. Marie Curie is CJ’s hero, that was the password hint. It is important that you get all the information from the computer before anyone gets it.

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