Where is Waynesboro PA?

Where is Waynesboro PA?

Waynesboro is situated in the southern part of Franklin County, Pennsylvania, about 2 miles north of the Mason-Dixon line, 6 miles east of I-81 and 12 miles north of Hagerstown, Maryland.

What is Waynesboro VA known for?

During the Civil War, Waynesboro was held for 15 days by Confederates on their way to Gettysburg. During the early 20th century, Waynesboro became an industrial hub and home to Frick Company, Geiser Manufacturing, Landis Machine Company, Landis Tool Company, and more.

What is the history of Waynesburg PA?

In 1797 John Wallace, a son of the original British settler, laid out the town of Waynesburg in what was then the state of Pennsylvania in the United States. When incorporated in 1831, the borough was given the name “Waynesboro’.”.

Is there a police officer in Waynesboro looking for someone?

The Waynesboro Police Department is looking for individuals who reside in the 200 & 300 blocks of N. Grant Street as well as other surrounding areas in close proximity that have had items stolen from outside of their residence. If you have any surveillance footage and/or photographs pertaining…

Is recycling mandatory in Waynesboro?

(Click here for detailed information). The Borough wishes to remind our customers that recycling is mandatory in Waynesboro, and we now use a “single stream” system. All recyclables, including paper goods, cardboard, and a new and larger list of recyclables, are to be co-mingled in the container.

How many schools are in the Waynesboro school district?

The Waynesboro Area School District operates four elementary schools, a middle school, and a high school. The Borough of Waynesboro designates five parks. Northside Pool and Park features a zero-depth entrance, two water slides, bubblers, and other water features.

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